Heavy weight! The Department of energy is coming
“ two sessions ” during the period, the institutional reform was also progressing.
The Reuters reported that China plans to set up a Ministry of energy, but the choice of energy ministers is not clear. After the revocation of the Department of energy in 1993, the Department of energy was set up again 25 years later. The current National Energy Bureau was established in 2008, under the State Development and Reform Commission, and in 2013 and the restructuring of the electric supervision Council.

The current director of the National Energy Bureau Nur Bekri, deputy director of the national development and Reform Commission is currently ranked second.

Reuters Beijing, March 8th - four leaders who are linked with China's leadership said this week that China plans to set up the Ministry of energy to supervise the huge oil, gas, coal and power industries, which is part of the government's institutional reform plan, aiming to improve decision-making efficiency.
The newly established Ministry will replace the existing National Energy Agency (NEA). The Energy Bureau, which was established 10 years ago, is a subordinate unit of the national development and Reform Commission.
Sources say the Ministry of energy will no longer be subordinate to the NDRC and will be responsible for the energy - related functions that are now dispersed in many government departments.
The Congress of the National People's Congress (NPC) will listen to a note on the State Council institutional reform program next Tuesday. It is not clear whether the details of the reform will be announced immediately.
Four other sources say China is expected to reform financial regulators and may combine different agencies to enhance financial risk control capabilities.
The energy bureau did not comment and the NDRC did not respond to a request for comment.
The newly established Minister of energy for the Department of energy was not clear. At present Nur · Bekri served as deputy director of the Energy Bureau and the national development and reform commission.
After the end of February, is expected to have equal to anything coming of institutional reform, energy regulatory function adjustment analysis done, now some of the background listed below.
The adjustment, restructuring and the functions of the energy sector has continued, a recent nineteen report, such statements involve resources: “ the establishment of state-owned asset management of natural resources and natural ecological regulatory agencies, national unified exercise all the natural resources assets owner duties, exercise all land space use control and ecological conservation and restoration of the duty of unified, unified the exercise of supervision of various types of urban and rural pollution and administrative law enforcement duties. ”
Unfinalized energy regulatory mechanism
There has been a rumor about the formation of the big energy department. When institutional restructuring was carried out in 2013, there was a saying that it would involve energy prices, mineral rights and upstream and downstream functions of the industry into a big energy department. It would eventually reorganize the Electricity Regulatory Commission and the Energy Bureau, and still maintain the Deputy ministerial level.

The ministries set, the energy bureau is mainly responsible for the supervision of the industry, planning, mining rights of oil and gas resources owned by the Ministry of land, price, modification to the NDRC price department, governmental, industrial division, circulation, energy products in the import and export of the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of environmental protection, energy saving and emission is centralized, the Ministry of industry, the SASAC the supervision and management of energy enterprises, related technology research and development also involves the Ministry of science and technology and other departments.
In the future, we must straighten out the complicated relationship between energy supply and demand, price, import and export, mining rights, energy saving and pollution emissions, and we need to adjust accordingly.
Once the news of Party and state institutional reform came out, the statement of the Ministry of energy and the Ministry of land and mineral development reconstituted the Ministry of energy again. The rumor also involves the reorganization of the Ministry of land and the Ministry of environmental protection, but it is not clear at the moment. The ecological civilization is the eighteen major formulation, and it has also continued to appear in the policy documents. At present, no part of the Ministry's function is focused on the large ecological field.

The current national energy agency, in 2013, was reorganized by the electric supervision Council and the Energy Bureau.
Before 2013, the national energy board was established in 2008 by integrating the NDRC Energy Bureau, the national energy leading group and the former national defense science and Technology Commission.
Since 2013, the State Council has implemented decentralization and decentralization. Project approval has been abolished and decentralized. The implementation of electricity reform and oil and gas reform and implementation is a policy change which is widely concerned by the outside world.
In 2003, the institutional reform, the national electric Supervision Commission was set up to deal with the electricity reform started in 2002 until the restructuring of the Energy Bureau in 2013 and the start of a new round of electricity reform.
In 1998, the reform of the government structure and the energy sector changed considerably. At that time, the Ministry of coal and the Ministry of electricity and other professional energy departments were revoked, and the three groups of CNPC, Sinopec and CNOOC were set up. The coal, oil and gas and petrochemical industries are managed by the State Economic and Trade Commission and the State Planning Commission until the establishment of the electric Supervision Committee in 2003.
In 1993, the Ministry of energy revoked and reorganized the Ministry of coal industry and the Ministry of electric power until the reform of institutions in 1998.
In 1988, the administrative system was reformed. The Ministry of energy, the Ministry of energy and the Ministry of nuclear energy was revoked. The Ministry of energy and the Ministry of energy was the first to set up the Ministry of energy. The coal and petrochemical industry was then incorporated into the then national economic and Trade Commission.
Earlier, the adjustment of the energy management department was mainly to reform the setting of traditional institutions to adapt to the situation of reform and opening up, as follows:
In July 1983, the oil refinery of the Ministry of petroleum industry was separated and merged with some petrochemical and chemical fiber enterprises of the Ministry of chemical industry and the Ministry of textiles, and the China Petrochemical Corporation was formed.
In 1982, the offshore oil business of the Ministry of petroleum industry was independent and established the China National Offshore Oil Corporation.
In 1980, the National Energy Commission was set up to manage the three departments of oil, coal and electricity. The Energy Commission was cancelled two years later in 1982 due to the cross between the National Energy Commission and the National Planning Commission.
In 1979, the Ministry of water and water and electricity was revoked and the Ministry of electric power and the Ministry of water resources were set up to unify the supply of electricity. In 1982, the Ministry of water resources and the Ministry of electricity were merged into the Ministry of water and electricity.
In the early stage of reform and opening up in 1978, the Ministry of chemical industry and the Ministry of petroleum industry were revoked by the Ministry of petrochemical industry.
In 1975, the Ministry of fuel chemical industry was revoked, the Ministry of coal industry was reestablished, and the petrochemical industry was formed.Department of.
In 1970, the Ministry of petroleum, the coal industry and the Ministry of chemical industry were revoked to the Ministry of fuel chemical industry. In June of the same year, the coal enterprises of the Ministry of coal industry and the local double led coal enterprises were put down.
In 1958, the Coal Management Bureau and the Petroleum Geological Bureau of the Ministry of geology were revoked. Combined with the Ministry of water resources and the Ministry of power industry, the Ministry of water and electricity has been established, and the management authority has been adjusted thereafter.
In 1955, the Ministry of fuel industry was revoked, and the Ministry of coal, the oil industry and the Ministry of power industry were set up.
In ~1955 in 1949, the Ministry of fuel industry was set up, with the administration of coal management, the administration of electricity industry, the water power generation Engineering Bureau and the General Administration of petroleum.
The establishment of institutions should highlight the ecological civilization
In a comprehensive view, the adjustment of the energy management department is synchronized with the economic development, the division of central and local power and the reform of previous government institutions.

40 years since the reform and opening up, there have been several large and small institutional reforms. Statistics, the main seven reforms, almost all of the energy.
First time: 1982. The Ministry of petroleum industry is independent of its marine oil business and set up the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), which is specially responsible for the development of marine oil and foreign cooperation.
Second times: 1988. To revoke the coal ministry, the Ministry of electricity and the Ministry of chemical industry and so on, to set up the Ministry of energy and to manage the energy industry.
The third time: 1993. The Ministry of energy should be revoked and the Ministry of coal industry and the Ministry of electricity were reorganized.
The fourth time: 1998. The Ministry of coal, the Ministry of electric power and other specialized energy departments should be revoked. The three major groups of CNPC, Sinopec and CNOOC will be set up. The government functions should be classified into the State Economic and Trade Commission and the State Planning Commission, and then adjusted to the relevant coal and petrochemical industry associations.
The fifth time: 2003. The state electric power company has set up five major power generation groups.
The sixth time: 2008. The vice ministerial State Energy Bureau was established by the national development and Reform Commission (NDRC).
The seventh time: 2013. The national energy administration and the electric supervision Council reorganized.
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