How do chemical workers choose careers and job hopping? Tell me about my 20 years of experience (Annex factory income survey)
Technical suppliers or technical service providers, that is to say, from Party A to Party B.
There are many kinds of Party B in this industry, including private enterprises, joint ventures, foreign enterprises and so on. For Party B, it is the insiders' understanding of the industry, the connections and resources of the industry. The posts offered are also varied, including technology, project management and marketing.

Foreign enterprise:
Let's start with foreign companies, first, English, second, English, third, English. Important things are to be repeated for 3 times.
People who come out of refining and chemical enterprises have no problem with their work experience and experience. Because of the working characteristics of foreign enterprises, English is used from regular meetings to mail, so it is recommended that friends who have this idea pick up English again.
The work of a foreign company is to work according to the system. Nails are riveting and riveting. It is OK to do things within your responsibilities. The interpersonal relationship is relatively simple. In terms of remuneration, foreign companies, joint ventures and private enterprises pay relatively higher salaries.
Generally speaking, about ten years or so of petroleum and petrochemical work experience, if we can meet the work requirements of foreign enterprises, the general salary is up to 20~30 million.
However, in foreign enterprises, the liquidity is relatively large, the performance is not good, may meet the risk of the whole department is cut off, for individuals, for several years, the review can not meet the requirements, and will be faced with the situation at any time.

Joint venture:
Besides, joint ventures and joint ventures are divided into one type, one is Chinese holding and the other is foreign holding. Chinese capital holding enterprises have the characteristics of state-owned enterprises in management. In terms of income, Chinese holding enterprises can not catch up with foreign enterprises, but they will be relatively higher than state-owned enterprises.
In terms of work, the intensity is not low, and the cost performance is not high. The average income of the grassroots is around 150 thousand, the middle level is up to 30~40 million, and the top level is around 50~80 million.
Speaking of highlights, relatively speaking, such enterprises are more humane. If you don't offer to go, you can dedicate your life to the company. As for foreign-funded enterprises, we can refer to foreign enterprises' models and stop talking about them.
Private enterprise:
Finally, private enterprises, tens of thousands of private enterprises around the petroleum and petrochemical industry, engaged in equipment, testing, environmental protection, three doses, technology, inspection and maintenance, information and other aspects of the business. Different scale private enterprises will have different management modes, but they also have something in common.
The biggest point, the boss said the calculation.
A friend who is ready to enter the private enterprise is to remember this one. The second is to ensure that individuals are of great use value to private enterprises. Different private enterprises, their income is different, mainly by the negotiation with the boss, if you have enough gas and negotiation skills, you can talk about a higher income.

To the management level
Assuming that the petroleum and petrochemical enterprises or research and design units have stayed up to the management level (or above), in general, the large probability will not move again. In this industry, the income of the Deputy / chief is generally between 250 thousand ~35 million, and the income of the enterprise vice president and above is about 350 thousand ~50 million. The top leaders of the industry will be able to reach 60~70 million.
This level of posts will be respected and highly recognised in the enterprise. If there is no accident, you can basically work until you retire. But at this level, there are many people who are ambitious and ambitious.
Whether it is a newly built refinery enterprise or a peripheral technical service provider, if we recruit people at this level, we will have to lose some money. General Deputy / director level, starting price should be 600 thousand, vice president and above level should at least be more than 1 million in order to show your sincerity.
In recent years, the refining and chemical enterprises of CNPC and Sinopec have the backbone, the head of the deputy and the backbone of the deputy general level to the new local refineries. There are some friends I have known to hope that they will continue to shine and make a great success in the new posts.

Scientific researcher
The preceding section introduces the direction of refining and chemical enterprises, and another direction is scientific research.
If a friend of scientific research is ready to choose a career in the external market one day, it is necessary to make use of the advantages of the platform in the system, to make a good person in scientific research, to keep up its own scientific research strength and energy, because the capital in the external market is the accumulation of your scientific research in these years.
Friends born in scientific research usually choose jobs with technology or technology transfer, and some friends go to the road of self employment.
Friends engaged in scientific research have their advantages and disadvantages. Whether it is technology stock or independent venture, there is a road full of risks from technology to market.
As the saying goes, shopping malls are battlefields, and many companies are fighting for orders, conspiracy and conspiracy. People with technical circumstances, especially those who are full of self-confidence and even self - confidence in their own technology, tend not to pay much attention to the market and sales routines.
Technical service providers are often dealing with Party A in the system, the same is two products, one can play 95 points, one can only play 80 points, but the enterprise demand for the product is 75 points, the result is usually 80 points in the final product, why?
Because the competitors do more business paving, and the use of the product is no risk, it is the one who will be inclined to 80 points. In China, it is not surprising.
A man has different views, and a wise man sees wisdom.
It's best to fit yourself.
In the petrifaction circle for more than twenty years, the industry is a bit of understanding, the purpose of writing this article is to draw a picture of the industry, for the idea of friends for reference. Inside and outside the system, Party A and Party B each have their own advantages, and there is no absolute best choice.