Red of botou city environmental protection equipment manufacturing co., LTD

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Product Details

Function and operation method of pulverized coal burner of drying machine

Price 3000
Yield 5000/年
Place of Production 河北省泊头市郝村镇
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 1天

Product Detail Parameters

重量1000公斤 燃煤要求5000大卡

Product Description

The pulverized coal burner is one of the necessary equipment to determine whether the lignite drying machine can form an excellent flame.
Ability, can according to the location, length and thickness changes of flame height and raw ingredients, it can control the temperature and the tail tube equipment
Body temperature, cylinder temperature is not high enough to illustrate the extent of the protection of the tube, the tail temperature is too high that the fuel burning is not enough; but also to adapt to
Different coal quality (usually refers to the uniform and stable coal) combustion, when the coal quality change to be able to change the air and the burning of coal by adjusting the outlet wind speed
The joint strength, so that the flame can still meet the needs of the calcination, but also to meet the environmental requirements. The following is the Tengda machinery for you to introduce lignite coal drying machine
The function and operation method of the burner?
Pulverized coal burner technical data
1, smoke emissions for pulverized coal burner Ringelman 0 - 1 grade;
2, the carbon content of ash in pulverized coal burner in about 0.1%, basically no toner;
3, the new energy saving rate of 1530% pulverized coal burner;
4, the burner flue gas content in the flue without any dust removal equipment to use the next flue, as long as the wind coal combustion fully, can reach the national standard