Red of botou city environmental protection equipment manufacturing co., LTD

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Product Details

Pulverized coal burner blockage and leakage due to the important

Price 5000
Yield 5000/年
Place of Production 河北省泊头市郝村镇
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 2天

Product Detail Parameters

重量1000公斤 燃煤要求5000大卡

Product Description

Fully automatic jet lubricating device for pulverized coal burner, the model is B - SZYP, the whole machine adopts Trinity combination (air compressor, lubrication
Oil station, fully automatic control), all assembled in a box body, the jet pipe is fixed on the shell of the large gear of the pulverized coal burner, fully automatic control
Digital adjustable time relay and other electrical components, respectively, for the oil pump, air compressor, oil valve control, jet, spray oil, jet, time
Timing, automatic cycle work.
Pulverized coal burner blockage and leakage is one of the important factors influencing the drying quality. If a site blocked, will lead to poor air flow, flue gas phase
The effect of humidity increases, the heat transfer rate. The system leakage is too large, in addition to reducing the flue gas flow rate, can also lead to excess air is too large, the flue gas temperature for.
This guarantee that the gas flow system does not play the wind, can improve the drying rate of clay, but in the design and selection, and can not make the flue gas flow rate is too large.
The dust will increase, should be controlled to your outlet velocity is 1ms 3m/s.
As the hot flue gas slows down, even the fire door to everyone to protect the vast spray, a part of the system may occur blockage or leakage.
The main part of the dust collecting system is easy to occur, and if the dust collector is not significantly, the thermal insulation layer is damaged, and the smoke is caused to be in the smoke and smoke.
Gas is easy to dust down in the deposition, resulting in clogging. In addition, the level of the wind pipe and air pipe and curved parts of Yuan dust unloading cone bucket, turn
The plate valve is easy to be blocked, so the pulverized coal burner must be cleaned regularly according to the strict standard and performance.