Red of botou city environmental protection equipment manufacturing co., LTD

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Location: Botou Cangzhou City Hebei Province China
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Product Details

The inspection of the internal combustion engine of a pulverized coal burner

Price 2000
Yield 3000/年
Place of Production 河北省泊头市郝村镇
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 2天

Product Detail Parameters

重量1000公斤 燃煤要求5000大卡

Product Description

The inspection of the internal combustion engine of the pulverized coal burner:
1, combustion engine combustion head is installed and adjusted well
2, motor rotation direction is correct
3, the external circuit connection is in line with the requirements
4, according to the line situation of the combustion engine simulation, observe the operation of the various parts of the equipment is normal and flame detection and protection
Is normal.
Big mouth air guide structure multistage pulverized coal burner with special design, can make the coal in a short period of time to produce high temperature combustion with swirl
Complete, high heat utilization rate, smoke and dust, high efficiency and energy saving, improve working conditions, reduce labor intensity and other advantages, is the ideal product of energy saving and environmental protection
Products, by the broad masses of customers welcome. High efficiency combustion technology of pulverized coal and low NOx combustion technology are two kinds of technology which are contradictory to each other.