Hengshui embellish abundant gas equipment co., LTD

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Enterprise Nature: Joint stock enterprise
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zaoqiang County hengshui city Hebei Province China
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Product Details

Run Feng analysis of different media in the gas regulator should be the other side.

Price 5000
Yield 500/年
Place of Production 河北衡水
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

品牌 润丰

Product Description

Run Feng provides different media for gas pressure reducing valve.
1) using coke oven gas or biogas as resident gas, the main causes of the voltage regulator are tar deposition, naphthalene crystallization, solid particle impact and flow, and unreasonable pressure setting. The corresponding countermeasures are to strengthen the drainage, prevent the corrosion of the pressure regulator, provide conditions for the tar deposition, increase the heat preservation measures to improve the saturated vapor pressure of naphthalene in the winter (the south area can be selected according to the actual conditions), thus prevent the deposition of the crystallization of naphthalene, select the appropriate pressure and flow amount, and strengthen the cleaning and maintenance of the filter device at the same time.
Using natural gas as pipe gas, the main reasons for the failure of the voltage regulator are water accumulation, condensation, impurity deposition, improper use of pressure and so on. The corresponding countermeasures are to strengthen the drainage, increase the electric heat tracing device according to the pressure and strengthen the training of the pressure regulator.
2) the need of gas regulator has good expansibility, easy access to gas pipeline automatic detection and monitoring system, telemetry, remote control, timely control of the pressure change of gas pipeline, accurate analysis of possible problems, so as to improve the management level of distribution and distribution.
3) in the renewal and transformation of gas regulator, we should take full consideration of the factors such as gas supply type, gas supply area and gas supply flow, from the economic, practical, combined with the application of modern science and technology, and have the function expansion. For example, the AQ type direct acting gas regulator, with large flow, stable precision and sensitive reaction speed, can completely replace the old Reynolds type voltage regulator and play a win-win situation in economy and practice.

Product Performance
