Henan Runlu Trading Co., Ltd.

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Product Details

06Ni9DR Low Temperature Pressure Vessel Steel

Price 29000
Yield 500/年
Place of Production 舞钢
Product Category 钢板类(不锈钢板、碳钢板、双相钢板、复合板等)
Delivery Time 7天

Product Detail Parameters


Product Description

06Ni9DR Steel Plate for Low Temperature Pressure Vessels
1. 06Ni9DR Low Temperature Pressure Vessel Steel Plate Brief Introduction to Li Ting, Henan Runlu Trading Co., Ltd.
06Ni9DR is a low temperature pressure vessel steel plate of - 196 C grade. It is widely used in LNG ships and LNG storage and transportation engineering because of its good low temperature impact resistance and extremely low thermal deformation coefficient. The same series of brands are 08Ni3DR (3.5 nickel), 08Ni5DR (5 nickel), and 06Ni9DR (commonly known as 9 nickel steel). The implementation standard: GB24510-2009 cryogenic pressure vessel is tested by 9% Ni steel plate for non-destructive testing of JB/T4730.3-2005 pressure equipment.
2. Classification of Grades: - 196 Temperature Grade Low Temperature Pressure Vessel Steel Plate
3. 06Ni9DR Chemical Components
Chemical constituents wt%
Brand C Mn Si P S Ni Mo V Alt
06Ni9DR (9% Ni) is less than 0.1, 0.30-0.80, 0.35, 0.010, 0.004, 8.5-10, 0.10, 0.01, 0.020.
* In order to improve the properties of steel, other microalloying elements can be added.
* Cr+Cu+Mo in steel should not exceed 0.50%
The effects of various alloying elements:
C - Carbide precipitation can cause pitting corrosion, which is generally controlled at less than 0.08%.
Mn - Austenite phase stabilizes elements, improves wear resistance and nitrogen fixation capacity.
Si - contributes to high temperature oxidation resistance and acid corrosion resistance.
Ni - stabilizes elements, reduces brittleness and improves mechanical properties, and enhances acid resistance.
4. Mechanical properties
Product Thickness t, mm Yield Strength, Tensile Strength MPa A% Transverse Akv (-196) (J)Temperature
<30>575 680-820>18>100
5. Delivery status
In order to improve the toughness of steel, intermediate heat treatment (secondary quenching) can also be carried out, and the steel plate with thickness less than 12 mm can also be delivered in the state of normalizing and tempering twice. The tempering temperature of the steel plate is not less than 540 C.
6. When using 06Ni9DR steel plate, attention should be paid to the following aspects:
(1) The range of chemical composition standard of 9Ni steel should be strict, for example, the mass fraction of Si is 0.15%-0.30%, and that of Ni is 8.50%-9.50%.
(2) Generally speaking, the maximum allowable P and S of the standard is about 10 times the real value of 9Ni steel plate, that is to say:
(1) When 9Ni steel is used in the design condition of -196 C, the content of P and S must be greatly reduced.
(2) The equipment manufacturing requirements of 9Ni steel are to reduce the content of P and S as much as possible so as to ensure that the equipment of 9% Ni steel can meet the service requirements when the design temperature is -196 C.
(3) When the chemical composition of 9Ni steel is designed, the key alloying components that are artificially added and controlled are Ni and Mn, which tend to get larger values under the conditions permitted by the control method.
(4) The composition of other residual alloys should be strictly controlled.