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Enterprise Nature: Personal company
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zhucheng City Weifang City Shandong Province China
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Product Category

Product Details

Double-pot Parallel Sterilizing Pot Glutinous Rice Root Sterilizing Pot Corn Sterilizing Pot

Price 10.00
Yield 1000/年
Place of Production 山东省诸城市
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 30天

Product Detail Parameters

700 700*1200 900 900*1800
1000 1000*2200 1200 1200*3600

Product Description

The arrival of various festivals naturally requires a variety of delicacies. A big table full of dishes, braised fish, pork, pig ears, seafood, crab and so on, makes people salivate, unable to stop. However, a lot of delicious food can not be eaten, it is easy to spoil after a long time, and it is often wasted. In the same way, in food production and processing, food is not easy to retain. However, the shelf life of food bought on weekdays is usually three months or even longer, which is the credit of sterilizing pot.
According to the actual production process, sterilization conditions and technical performance of high temperature sterilizing pot, safety operation rules of sterilizing pot are formulated, and strict implementation of safety operation rules of sterilizing pot is introduced below.
1. Comply with the technical specifications of the sterilizing pot, the working pressure is 0.18Mpa, and the working temperature is 121 C.
2. Operation method of sterilizing pot;
A. First, hot water at 90 degrees Celsius is injected into the tank where the goods are loaded.
B. Add 0.15Mpa compressed air into the tank;
C. Open the steam valve and raise the temperature.
D. When the specified temperature is reached, the steam valve is closed to keep the temperature constant.
E. Keep it at a constant temperature until the required time (different products hold different time)
F. After the holding time is reached, the hot water in the tank is discharged and cold water is injected at the same time, and the pressure in the tank is kept stable (generally 0.18-0.2 Mpa) and reduced, requiring air compressor to supply air.
3. Observe the water level gauge. After the cold water is filled, if the temperature indication is between 30 and 50 C, the cooling work is completed. Discharge the proper amount of cold water from the tank, relieve pressure, open the lid and pick up the goods.
4. It is strictly forbidden to operate over design pressure (0.35 Mpa) and design temperature (140 C).
5. Operators should strictly abide by safety operation rules and post responsibility system, and always keep safety accessories complete, sensitive and reliable. If abnormal phenomena are found, they should be dealt with in time.
6. The sterilizing pot is equipped with safety valves, pressure gauges and thermometer safety accessories, which should be maintained and checked regularly during use. The opening pressure of the safety valve of the equipment is equal to the design pressure. It should be always sensitive, reliable and prevented from being adjusted at will. The accuracy of the pressure gauge is not less than 2.5 grade, and the lead-free seal pressure gauge should not be used. Accuracy should be checked at least once a year. Pressure gauge indication failure, unclear calibration, dial rupture, pointer not returning to its original position after pressure relief, lead seal damage, etc. should be replaced immediately. Thermometer should be checked regularly, calibrated with standard thermometer before use, and should be corrected once a year after use. If the difference of quasi-temperature is more than 0.5 C, it will be repaired or replaced.
7. Sterilizer pots should be inspected regularly, at least once a year for external inspection and at least once every three years for internal inspection.
8. In order to ensure the lubrication of the friction surface, the mechanism should always apply grease and oil to the sliding and rolling contact parts such as lock block and active ring orchid.
9. When the sealing ring on the flange surface of the pot body is aging, defect and excessive friction, it should be replaced in time to ensure the sealing and prevent leakage.
