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Product Details

Customized Manufacturer of Activated Carbon Filtration and Purification Device in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province

Price 1
Yield 500/年
Place of Production 青岛
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

材质 碳钢

Product Description

Principle of Activated Carbon Adsorption Device:
When the exhaust gas is powered by the fan, the negative pressure enters the adsorption chamber and enters the activated carbon adsorption layer. Because of the unbalanced and unsaturated molecular gravity or chemical bonding force on the surface of the activated carbon adsorbent, when the surface of the activated carbon adsorbent contacts with the gas, the gas molecules can be attracted and concentrated on the surface of the activated carbon, which is called adsorption. Using the adsorptive capacity of the surface of activated carbon adsorbent, the exhaust gas is contacted with the porous activated carbon adsorbent on the large surface. The pollutants in the exhaust gas are adsorbed on the surface of activated carbon to separate it from the gas mixture and discharge the purified gas at high altitude. Activated carbon adsorption box is a dry waste gas treatment equipment, which consists of a box and an adsorption unit filled in the box.
Scope of use:
Activated carbon adsorbent box is mainly used for the treatment of organic waste gas with high air volume and low concentration; Activated carbon adsorbent can treat and purify various organic and inorganic pollutants: benzene, ketone, ether, alkane and their mixed organic waste gas, acid waste gas, alkaline waste gas; It is mainly used for Yao production, smelting, chemical industry, machinery, electronics, electrical appliances, painting, shoemaking, rubber, plastics, printing and environmental protection. Desulfurization, deodorization and purification of harmful waste gases from various industrial workshops.
Structural characteristics:
Drawer type adsorption unit, the core component of exhaust gas purifier, has the characteristics of small ventilation resistance, convenient replacement and standardization of design, and can ensure that the ventilation resistance is stable in all service cycles (i.e., the resistance is not changed due to the change of the condition of the adsorption unit).
1. The adsorption efficiency is as high as 90%, the adsorption capacity is large and the application is wide.
2. Easy maintenance, no excessive manpower investment requirements;
3. It has large specific surface area, good selective adsorption, and can treat many kinds of mixed waste gases at the same time.
4. Activated carbon has the characteristics of wide source and low price.
5. Easy to operate and safe.
Adsorption Principle of SYD-HXT Activated Carbon:
Adsorption phenomena occur at the interface of two different phases. Adsorption process is the diffusion process on the interface and the adsorption on the solid surface, which is caused by the existence of residual attraction on the solid surface.
Adsorption can be divided into physical adsorption and chemical adsorption; physical adsorption, also known as van der Waals adsorption, is caused by physical adsorption caused by electrostatic force or van der Waals gravitation between adsorbent and adsorbate molecule. When the molecular gravitation between solid and gas is greater than that between gas molecule, even if the pressure of gas is lower than that corresponding to operating temperature and saturated vapor pressure, the gas molecule is also caused by physical adsorption. Physical adsorption is an endothermic process that condensates on solid surfaces.
Chemical adsorption, also known as active adsorption, is caused by the chemical reaction force between the adsorbent surface and the adsorbate molecule. It involves the destruction and recombination of chemical bonds in the molecule. Therefore, the adsorption heat of chemical adsorption process is larger than that of physical adsorption process.
In the process of adsorption, there is no strict boundary between physical adsorption and chemical adsorption. The same substance is often chemisorbed at lower temperature. Activated carbon fibers (ACFs) are mainly physically adsorbed, but due to the presence of surfactants, they also have certain chemical adsorption.
Brief Introduction of Activated Carbon Adsorption Box:
Activated carbon is a very small carbon particle with a large surface area and a smaller pore in the carbon particle - capillary. This kind of capillary has a strong adsorption capacity. Because of the large surface area of the carbon particle, it can fully contact with the gas (impurities). When these gases (impurities) meet the capillary, they are absorbed and purified. The essence of activated carbon adsorption is to adsorb organic solvents from low concentration and high air volume waste gas into activated carbon by using the characteristics of activated carbon adsorption. Activated carbon adsorption method is mainly used for the removal of low concentration gaseous pollutants.