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Product Details

Welding type insulated flange spot for American Standard

Price 850
Yield 1000/年
Place of Production 盐山
Product Category 管件类
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

100 750

Product Description

"Contact: Li Chunpeng Tel: QQ:1327077391 13930752103" old type structure of insulating flange is between two pieces of flat butt welding flange insulation curved flange connecting bolt fastening piece and the potential in the installation of insulating sleeve and the insulating film potential bolt gun. Flange insulation sheet material selection of oil resistant rubber asbestos board, neoprene sheet, fabric based neoprene sheet and PTFE materials. Insulated bolt box and insulating bolt gasket with high strength phenolic laminated sheet and cloth making basket. Its characteristics are: steel is good. The insulation performance is stable, the need for the installation position of specialized installation, high cost.
Novel insulating flange
2, the development of new insulation flange
We have improved the old insulation flange structure. Transmission and distribution engineering in city gas, city gas pipeline engineering for low pressure (PN = 2.5Mpa), the characteristics of pipeline pressure PN = 0.4Mpa was improved. Used to replace steel flange welded flange in pipeline engineering, flange gasket with PTFE insulation. Oil resistant rubber asbestos sheet material. Gas chloroprene rubber, and the tight bolt between the insulating sleeve and the insulating gasket, and shorten the insulating sleeve into an integral type half high strength insulating sleeve mat. The bolt hole wear gasket steel flanges to expand to wear the insulating sleeve gasket; gasket to ensure internal aperture for the original steel flanges with bolts, so it made a special function of steel flanges, after assembly became the new insulation flange, it can be installed separately, but also can be installed together in connection with the valve; saving cost, saving installation position, is a new type of insulating flange is simple, and the cost is very low.
3, insulation principle and performance
Flange flange of the engineering principle is the use of insulation flange insulation gasket and high strength insulation gasket insulation performance of insulation flange on both sides of the electrical insulation work. According to the engineering practice, the insulating flange insulation performance testing according to the relevant provisions of "SY/T0516-2208" technology method of insulating flange in the relevant requirements and "cathodic protection parameters of buried steel pipelines in" test method, test results show that the insulation gasket and a fastening bolt; the insulating sleeve gasket on the insulating sheet by the resistance value to meet the requirements of the standards
