Access Get scores Rule description Payment period
User registration 100 Each user only gets one After successful registration issue
Improve user information 50 Upload picture information,perfect 80%,only cnce Issued after approval
Document certification 150 Each user only gets one Issued after approval
Purchase Member/year 1000/3000 Gold/Diamond member After buying issue
User login/day 1/3/5 Log in/on the first day second day of continuous login log in/on the third day in a row;
Interrupts are starting again from the 1 score
After a successful login issue
Recommended platform/share 20 Daily upper limit of 200 points After a successful share issue
Upload content and submission/review 25 Daily limit 250 score Issued after approval
Feedback / time 10 Each of not less than 25 words, daily maximum 100 points Issued after submission
Forum topics/articles 20 Not less than 200 words per article topics, daily upper limit 200 Issued after approval
Post / reply 5 No less than 5 words each, daily integral limit 50 Issued after submission
Participating in platform related activities According to the notice Platform survey and other activities
Issued after successful