Red of botou city environmental protection equipment manufacturing co., LTD

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Location: Botou Cangzhou City Hebei Province China
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Product Details

Coal grinding powder machine six use.

Price 3000
Yield 2000/年
Place of Production 河北省泊头市郝村镇
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 2天

Product Detail Parameters

重量1000公斤 燃煤要求5000大卡

Product Description

The use of coal powder machine instructions:
First, before and after the grinding coal dusting machine check bearings bearing lubrication condition, such as found in oil fouling to be cleaned, replacement of grease, as
The bearing wear condition of the bearing is determined whether it is replaced; the outer bolt of the machine is checked and firm; and the lining plate of the crushing part and the fixing bolt of the machine body are not fixed;
Loose, loose to be strong, liner wear serious to replace the new parts; check the hammer wear condition, wear serious to replace the new parts; check the fan
Blade connecting bolt, there is no loose, whether or not serious wear and tear, if there is any loosening should be strengthened or replaced;
Two, coal should go through the crusher, make the coal particle size of not more than 2 cubic centimeters, coal to dry, no iron into the machine to prevent accidents
Three, coal powder machine is shut down, should first close the funnel. The gate, to be hit to stop. Coal starts to be empty in normal operation, then open the funnel.
Gate to prevent overload and damage to the motor.
Four, coal powder machine must be cleaned before ignition, burning platform, dianwang wood, the first to open a small burner for 4-5 minutes, then open the injection tube,
Should be properly control the amount of coal, coal increased gradually, under normal circumstances, the flame is red with yellow, more complete combustion of pulverized coal.
Five, when the ignition with bituminous coal, when the temperature rose to 700 degrees, or other available anthracite coal.
Six, coal powder machine rotating part must be lubricated, if found abnormal sound, should immediately stop check, when the need to maintain a normal operation of coal transport
Send. No empty. To prevent the cold air into the furnace temperature effect