Red of botou city environmental protection equipment manufacturing co., LTD

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Product Details

Coal powder machine rotating parts should be kept moist

Price 3000
Yield 3000/年
Place of Production 河北省泊头市郝村镇
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 2天

Product Detail Parameters

重量1000公斤 饶梅要求5000大卡

Product Description

Coal powder machine rotating part should maintain lubrication:
1 coal should go through the crusher, make the coal particle size of not more than 2 cubic centimeters, coal to dry, no iron into the machine to prevent accidents
2 coal powder machine rotating part must maintain lubrication, such as abnormal crash, should immediately stop check, running to keep the normal transportation quantity of coal
. no empty. To prevent the cold air into the furnace temperature effect.
3 coal powder machine shut down, should first close the funnel. The gate, to be hit to stop. Coal starts to be empty in normal operation, then open the sluice funnel.
Door to prevent starting overload and damage to the motor.
4 in the production of the use of the separator should always check the return pipe, do not plug.
5 coal powder machine before ignition, must clean burning platform, dianwang wood, the first to open a small burner for 4-5 minutes, then open the pulverized coal burner, should be appropriate
Control the amount of coal into the air, the air volume gradually increased, under normal circumstances, the flame is red with yellow, smoke holes and white smoke, the pulverized coal combustion more completely.
6 ignition should be used when bituminous coal, when the temperature rose to 700 degrees, or other available anthracite coal.
7 furnace temperature to 400-500 degrees, in order to adjust the furnace temperature difference, large nozzle block brick can be gradually reduced