Red of botou city environmental protection equipment manufacturing co., LTD

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Product Details

Special dust removal in coking plant

Price 2000
Yield 3000/年
Place of Production 河北省泊头市郝村镇
Product Category 环境保护类(火炬、废气制酸设备、废气精馏冷却塔)
Delivery Time 2天

Product Detail Parameters

重量 1000

Product Description

Dust collector for coking plant adopts the domestic advanced non coal combustion method, and make the coaling smoke collecting into the coke side dust dry dedusting ground station coal dust removal technology. Industrial dust collector for coal dust collector, gas transfer station and the top of the ground, the flue gas temperature control, flue gas purification integration, dust collector for coking plant using coke collected during the process of loading coal tar containing dust preventing and water vapor in the coke powder adhesive bag bag surface, ensuring long-term safe and stable operation of equipment.
The coal dust removal system is composed of two parts, the top part is dust with dust collector for the charging car, by the movable smoke hood, a smoke pipe, flue gas control valve, air valve, safety valve, etc. the dust suction system expansion connector. Opening the interface of the dust collecting dry pipe through the telescopic connector. Coal smoke and quantitative air mixture, the dust collecting pipe and dust to the coke side of one ground station for dust removal purification. The other part is pushing coal dust purification be made one ground station, a fan in the ground station, off-line pulse bag filter, exhaust fan unit with hydraulic coupling, dust recovery coke ash conveying device and the electrical and instrument equipment supporting, and compressed air and cooling water system.
Using low pressure cleaning mode of dust collector for coking plant, the filter bag blowing procedure and control time were controlled by electric PLC system, dust recycling can take out or pull to the material processing. The dust removal system is designed to deal with the air flow rate of 60000m3/h. In the condition of ensuring the dust removal efficiency and the safe and reliable operation of the dust removal system, according to the resistance of the dust removal system and the operation of the coke oven, the optimum air flow rate is determined.
Special dust collector of coking plant:
1, using non combustion coal charging dedusting against a large amount of air, the combustible in the dust is far below the lower explosive limit, the smoke into the system of dust is safe;
Collect 2, coke side dust removal system is dry gas and coke powder can absorb the harmful elements in coal fume effectively, tar and water, without considering heat, dust removal equipment heating, condensation prevention measures;
3, the use of low pressure pipe spray pulse filter greatly improve the dust removal capacity of the dust collector to prevent the dust of the filter material, and increase the resistance of the system