Red of botou city environmental protection equipment manufacturing co., LTD

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Product Details

Dust removal in steel plant

Price 1000
Yield 3000/年
Place of Production 河北省泊头市
Product Category 环境保护类(火炬、废气制酸设备、废气精馏冷却塔)
Delivery Time 2天

Product Detail Parameters

除尘率 98%

Product Description

The steel dust collector pipe arrangement and steel pipe, cement plant dust collector pipe arrangement is similar, mainly follow the following principles: does not affect the process of production, easy installation and maintenance, reduce dust pipe resistance and save the investment for the user, dust remover and production equipment pipeline to make unified consideration, reasonable process.
(1) the steel dust collector pipe arrangement should cooperate with the building structure, less occupied space, or hinder the operation and easy installation and maintenance.
(2) the dust collection system of the dust collector in the steel mill is not suitable for too much, and the dust suction point of a system is not more than 5. When the distance between dust collector or the parallel branch little resistance between can balance, the number of dust collector points can be increased, but no more than 10. Dust cleaner more dust collecting system, the collection of large section pipe dust collector to connect each branch, each branch of the resistance balance and.
(3) in order to prevent the dust in the steel plant dust in the pipeline deposition, dust collector dust collection pipeline should avoid the level of layout, especially the transmission of coal powder pipeline. The included angle between the pipe and the horizontal plane of the industrial dust collector is not less than 55. Steel dust collector for the dust concentration of small 5g/m3 without explosive dangerous pipe, and the flow rate is greater than 18m/s, but also the level of the arrangement. Because the mills dust collector of various special reasons, pipe must be arranged horizontally, should try to shorten the length of horizontal pipe, elbow pipe and the dust collector three pipe fittings arranged near the hole cleaning or compressed air pipe joints, to regular cleaning. The branch should charge top or side connection.
(4) in order to adjust the air volume and the test requirement of the steel mill, we should set up the test holes on the inlet and outlet pipe of the dust collector and the blower. Holes should be located in the straight pipe of the air flow, as far as possible away from the elbow, three other shaped pipe fittings, to reduce the impact of the eddy currents on the results. The position of the measuring hole should not be opened on the top of the dust collector, so as not to affect the result of the test. The dust collection system of bag filter of large scale steel mill can be used to measure the parameters of air flow, air pressure, CO content analysis and temperature on line according to the specific situation.
The necessity of environmental management in iron and steel enterprises
The environmental protection has become the focus of world attention, Chinese is spare no effort to increase environmental protection work, especially severe haze today, people's concern for the environment at leisure. As a major pollutant emissions, iron and steel enterprises are also aware of their own social responsibility, think to build green, energy saving, environmental protection of the steel industry is no delay.
1, iron and steel enterprise environment management is the urgent need to change the status quo of China's environment. The human society is experiencing the industrial manufacturing out of various environmental disasters: air pollution, water pollution, waste pollution, especially the rapid development of steel industry, continuous emissions such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and industrial wastewater, waste residue can not get effective treatment and utilization, further deterioration of environmental pollution. From the beginning of 2013, the number of days of fog and haze in China gradually increased, especially in North China, East China region is the most serious pollution. According to the data released by the Ministry of environmental protection and green peace organization, in 2013 China's worst air quality in 10 cities, Hebei province accounted for 7, air pollution showed a significant regional characteristics. Iron and steel production in the process of discharge of pollutants including sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, soot, dust, etc., is the main cause of fog and haze weather.
2, iron and steel enterprise environment management is the national energy conservation and environmental protection requirements. The iron and steel industry as a typical heavy pollution industry has become the focus of governance, the state environmental protection problem of the steel industry control efforts are overweight, intended to speed up the steel industry to solve the environmental pollution problem. In addition to the already released "air pollution prevention action plan", the Ministry of environmental protection has also issued the "iron and steel industrial pollution prevention and control technology policy". The new "environmental protection law" has been implemented since January 1, 2015, the country has begun to strike out, strict supervision of iron and steel enterprises in the energy-saving emission reduction targets, control pollution emissions, a number of major pollution projects require zero tolerance, increase the assessment efforts of iron and steel enterprises, accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity.
3, iron and steel enterprise environment management is the high standard of iron and steel enterprises to build green steel. In recent years, China's steel production overcapacity obvious, grow with each passing day, the smelting process of iron and steel enterprises advanced and backward coexist, backward iron and steel enterprises some high energy consumption, high emission and high pollution, has seriously restricted the environmental governance process of iron and steel industry. As a large state-owned iron and steel enterprises, the implementation of Handan "abide by environmental laws and regulations, adhere to continuous improvement and implement pollution prevention, clean production, to create green Handan" environmental policy, adhere to the efficient use of resources, strengthen the application of environmental protection technology, to further promote the company's environmental performance management, strengthen environmental protection facilities management and key environmental factors control, continuous to improve the quality of environmental protection system