Red of botou city environmental protection equipment manufacturing co., LTD

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Product Details

Bag filter

Price 3000
Yield 3000/年
Place of Production 河北省泊头市郝村镇
Product Category 环境保护类(火炬、废气制酸设备、废气精馏冷却塔)
Delivery Time 2天

Product Detail Parameters

除尘率 98%

Product Description

An overview of bag filter:
Bag filter is a kind of dry dust filter. Filter used for a period of time, due to the sifting, collision, retention, dust collector diffusion, electrostatic and other effects, the bag surface of a layer of dust, this layer of dust known as the first layer, in which the future course of the campaign, became the first layer the main filtration filter layer, the first layer depends on the role of larger mesh filter can get a higher filtration efficiency. With the accumulation of surface dust in the filter, filter efficiency and resistance are increased correspondingly, when the filter pressure difference on both sides is large, the dust has attached some particles in the filter on the squeeze in the past, the efficiency of dust fall. In addition, the dust collector resistance is too high will make the dust system, the air volume decreased significantly. Therefore, the resistance of the dust collector reaches a certain value, it must be cleared in time. When the ash is not destroyed, the initial layer can not be destroyed so as to avoid the efficiency decrease.
Working principle of bag filter:
With repeated attachment to the outer surface of the bag of powder, powder thickening layer continuously, the resistance value increases bag filter; pulse valve diaphragm instruction about submerged pulse valve open, compressed air in the air bag through, if there is no dust or small to a certain extent, mechanical cleaning grey work will stop working.
The structure of the bag dust collector is mainly composed of an upper case, a middle case body, a lower box body, a cleaning system and an ash discharging mechanism.
Bag filter performance, in addition to the correct choice of bag material, cleaning system plays a decisive role in bag filter. In this way, the cleaning method is one of the characteristics of the bag filter, and it is also an important part in the operation of bag filter.
Structure type of bag filter:
1, according to the shape of the bag is divided into: flat bag (trapezoid and flat) and circular (cylindrical) bag.
2, according to the way into and out of the wind is divided into: under the wind out of the wind and upward wind out of the wind and DC type (only limited to flat plate).
3, according to the bag filter is divided into: external and internal filter filter.
Filter material with fiber, cotton fiber, wool fiber, synthetic fiber and glass fiber, etc., different fibers woven into the filter material with different properties. The commonly used filter with 208 or 901 round of polyester flannel, use temperature is not more than 120 DEG C, the glass fiber filter bag silicone resin processing, use temperature is not more than 250 DEG C, cotton fabric is generally applicable to non corrosive; temperature at 80-90 Deg. C gas containing dust