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Product Details

P355GH what material P355GH what to use

Price 4000
Yield 5000/年
Place of Production 舞钢
Product Category 钢板类(不锈钢板、碳钢板、双相钢板、复合板等)
Delivery Time 2天

Product Detail Parameters

1500-4000 3600-18000

Product Description

P355GH: what P355GH material P355GH is equivalent to P355GH P355GH P355GH P355GH steel plate corresponding to GB P355GH uses what price P355GH European standard material P355GH Wugang P355GH manufacturers P355GH delivery state P355GH standard chemical composition and mechanical properties of P355GH P355GH P355GH P355GH spot price cut
P355GH belongs to the medium pressure boiler plate. It is a kind of steel plate used for European pressure vessels.
P355GH execution standards:
The executive standard is EN10028 (European standard for steel plate for pressure vessels).
P355GH main uses:
The European standard EN10028-2:2003 is used for the high temperature performance steel plate for the manufacture of container equipment. The tensile strength of Rm360-630MPa, yield strength ReH:235-355MPa, elongation of the minimum 20-24%, KV J C -20 minimum impact degrees 0 degrees C degrees C--27J, --34J, +20 ~ C --40J: European standard EN10028-2:2003 product thickness of 8-260mm. status: +N +NT normalizing and tempering, normalizing, quenching and tempering +QT.
P355GH acceptance criteria:
The acceptance test must take into account all the heat treatment that the parts are subjected to during the process of production. If the Contractor does not require the use of M122, the acceptance test must comply with the requirements of this section. In this case, do not have to test the condition of delivery, but the sample must be separately simulated stress relief heat treatment furnace in laboratory. The requirements relating to the heat treatment conditions must follow the requirements of the M151. The provisions of sampling conditions, test methods and test results of the value and only after heat treatment of the same sample delivery.
The minimum tensile strength at 300 C is as follows:
For P235GH steel: 324MPa;
For P265GH steel: 369MPa;
For P295GH steel: 423MPa;
For P355GH steel: 459MPa.
P355GH high temperature tensile test:
High temperature tensile test elongation as reference recording. The fracture absorption of the impact test at - 20 C and - 40 C should be in accordance with the requirements of table I in the appendix. §8.6 必须按AFNOR 标准NF A04—305 进行超声波检验: ——对于1 级设备用钢板:必须按照该标准中扫描图C 级准则,只对厚度 最小为12mm 的零件进行检验。 In addition, as stated in the standard 5.2.2, a same test must be carried out in the welding area with the edge of the steel plate. For the 2 stage equipment, the steel plate is used. According to the standard diagram and the B standard, only the parts with the minimum thickness of 30mm are tested.
For the 3 stage equipment used steel plate: do not ask for ultrasonic inspection. Section 9.1 of 1 grade and 2 grade equipment for steel plate, regardless of how the parts delivery status,
P355GH technology requirements:
When the equipment is specified, the following additional tests must be carried out:
1) the analysis of product composition;
2) tensile test at 300 centigrade temperature;
3) bending test at room temperature;
4) 4) - impact test at 20 C or - 40 C.
P355GH finished product analysis:
Only 1 and 2 grade equipment used for this analysis.
2) high temperature tensile tests are carried out only when the equipment specification or other contract documents are stipulated. The test temperature should be stipulated in the technical specification of the equipment. For the 1 stage steel plate, the inspection should be carried out systematically.
3) the bending test should be carried out systematically.
4) - impact tests at 20 C or - 40 C are carried out only when the equipment specification or other contract documents are stipulated.
9.4 in addition, the distance of the end of the heat treatment at the center line of the sample is at least equal to the thickness of the steel plate. 1) the center line of the impact specimen must be perpendicular to the final rolling direction. The bottom busbar of the notch of the sample must be perpendicular to the rolling surface.
According to the sample of NF EN 10028 - 1, the sample description of the KV sample is changed as follows:
For the 1, 2 and 3 grade equipment used for steel plate, 0 C, 20 C and - 40 centigrade test KV sample requirements for the following:
For a steel plate with a thickness less than 30mm, the sampling site is close to the rolling surface.
For steel plates with a thickness greater than 30mm, 3 specimens are intercepted on the adjacent rolling surface, and the other 3 are specified as follows:
When the thickness is 31~50mm: the center of the thickness of the finished product;
When the thickness is 51~80mm, the thickness of the finished product is 1/3.
When the thickness exceeds 80mm, the thickness of the finished product is 1/4.
P355GH bending test:
2) for the bending test, the size of the sample should be in accordance with the provisions of NF A03 - 157. The thickness of the specimen is usually the thickness of the steel plate. But when the thickness of the plate is more than 30mm, the sample can be thinned to 30mm. In this case, the processing is carried out on a rolling surface of the steel plate, and the other surface is maintained as the outer surface of the bending test. The bending test is carried out on two parallel roller seats, and the thickness of the diameter or compensator is given in the Appendix 2 to the thickness of the steel and sample thickness "a" (unit: mm). The outer surface of the curved surface should be cracked, tearing or bubbling. Test methods of 9.5 test items and use must comply with MC1000. The bending test should be carried out according to the standard of NF A03 - 157.
P355GH part of the spot:
Name, material, thickness, width, length, length and weight storage place
Container board P355GH 202200120004.238 Wuyang steel normalizing 1
Container board P355GH 202200120004.238 Wuyang steel normalizing 1
Container board P355GH 222200105004.071 dance1 grade of Yang iron and steel normalizing
Container board P355GH 222200120004.653 Wuyang steel normalizing 1
Container board P355GH 242200100004.223 Wuyang steel normalizing 1
Container board P355GH 242200100004.223 Wuyang steel normalizing 1
Container board P355GH 242200120005.067 Wuyang steel normalizing 1
Container board P355GH 242200120005.067 Wuyang steel normalizing 1
Container board P355GH 252200120005.274 Wuyang steel normalizing 1
Container board P355GH 252200120005.274 Wuyang steel normalizing 1
Container board P355GH 26220085503.913 Wuyang steel normalizing 1
Container board P355GH 26220084303.858 Wuyang steel normalizing 1
Container board P355GH 282200100004.922 Wuyang steel normalizing 1
Container board P355GH 282200100004.922 Wuyang steel normalizing 1
Wear-resistant board: WNM360E.WNM400E.WNM450A.WNM500A.WRZ360.WRZ400A.
Wear-resistant steel: WSM718R.WSMP20R..
Quenched and tempered high strength steel plate: WQ690D.S960Q.WH100QD.WQ960E.S960Q.WQ890D.A514GrQ/A517GrQ/E
TMCP high strength steel plate: E500.Q500E.S500M.
Quenched and tempered steel plate: EQ47/E460.EQ63/E620. A/SA533B. EQ51/E500.1E0653.1E0682.1E1839.WNM255A
Nuclear power plate: 16MnD5/18MnD5/20MnD5.15MnNi.20 control Gr.
Military steel plate: 603 (30CrMnMoRE) GY4 (28Cr2Mo).GY 5 (26SiMnMo).675 (30CrNi3MoV)
Electroslag plate: class.Q390 class.Q420D-Q460D.Q235D of class Q345E.
Container plate: Q245R (HIC), Q345R (HIC), SA516Gr70, 15CrMoR, Q420R, 09MnNiDR, SA387Gr11, SA387Gr22, 13MnNiMoR, SA387Gr22, Dan, h, h, R, R, x, etc.
Alloy steel: 35CrMo, 42CrMo, 40Cr, 10CrMoAL, 22SiMn2, 30CrMnSiA
Undertake specifications: thickness 8-650mm, wide 1500-4020mm, length 3000-18800mm
Can cut and process the opposite sex, as long as you provide the drawings and requirements, the rest of the hand to us!
I hope our company can save the cost and maximize the benefit for your company.

Product Performance


验收试验必须考虑到零件在制作过程中所经受的全部热处理。如果承包商不 要要求采用M122 的规定,则验收试验必须符合本节的要求。在此情况下,不必 进行交货状态的试验,但试料必须单独地在试验室炉中进行模拟消除应力热处 理。 有关热处理工况的规定必须遵循M151 的要求。 取样条件、试验方法和试验结果的规定值与只经交货热处理的试料相同。
对于P235GH 钢:324MPa;
对于P265GH 钢:369MPa;
对于P295GH 钢:423MPa;
对于P355GH 钢:459MPa。

高温拉伸试验的断后延伸率作为参考资料记录。冲击试验在—20℃和—40℃的断裂吸收能应符合附件中表I 的要求。 §8.6 必须按AFNOR 标准NF A04—305 进行超声波检验: ——对于1 级设备用钢板:必须按照该标准中扫描图C 级准则,只对厚度 最小为12mm 的零件进行检验。 另外,正如该标准5.2.2 中所述,必须在焊接区进行一个与在钢板边缘上所 进行的相同的试验。 ——对于2 级设备用钢板:按照该标准图和B 级准则,只对厚度最小为30mm 的零件进行检验。
对于3 级设备用钢板:不要求作超声波检验。 §9.1 对1 级和2 级设备用钢板,不论交货前的零件状况如何,

仅1 级和2 级设备用钢板须进行本项分析。
2)高温拉伸试验仅在设备技术规格书或其它合同文件中有规定时进行。试 验温度应在设备技术规格书中规定。对于1 级钢板,检验应系统地进行。
4)—20℃或—40℃温度下的冲击试验仅在设备技术规格书或其它合同文件 中有规定时进行。
9.4 此外,试样中心线已热处理端部的距离至少等于钢板厚度。 1)冲击试样的中心线必须垂直于终轧方向。试样切口槽底母线必须垂直于 轧制表面。
按照NF EN 10028—1 规定的KV 试样的取样说明更改如下:
对于1、2 和3 级设备用钢板, 0℃,—20℃和—40℃冲击试验的 KV 试样的取样要求规定如下:
——对于厚度小于等于30mm 的钢板,取样部位接近轧制表面,
——对于厚度大于30mm 的钢板,3 个试样在邻近轧制表面处截取, 另3 个试样规定如下:
——厚度31~50mm 时:成品厚度的中心;
——厚度51~80mm 时:成品厚度的三分之一处;
——厚度超过80mm 时:成品厚度的四分之一处。
2)对于弯曲试验,试样的尺寸应符合NF A03—157 的规定。试样厚度通常 为钢板厚度尺寸。但是当钢板厚度超过30mm 时,试样可以减薄到30mm。 在这种情况下,加工在钢板的一个轧制面进行,保持另一个轧制面作为 弯曲试验的外表面。 弯曲试验在两个平行辊座上进行,直径或补偿片厚度按钢种和 试样厚度“a”(单位:mm)在附表2 中给出。 弯曲的外表面应无裂纹,撕裂或起泡。 §9.5 试验项目和使用的试验方法必须符合MC1000 的规定。 弯曲试验应按NF A03—157 标准要求进行。

调质钢板:EQ47/E460.EQ63/E620. A/SA533B. EQ51/E500.1E0653.1E0682.1E1839.WNM255A
军工钢板:603(30CrMnMoRE)GY4(28Cr2Mo).GY 5(26SiMnMo).675(30CrNi3MoV)
容器板:Q245R(HIC)、Q345R(HIC)、SA516Gr70、15CrMoR、Q420R、09MnNiDR、 SA387Gr11、SA387Gr22、13MnNiMoR、14Cr1MoR、12Cr1MoVR A48CPR、16Mo3、P355GH、12Cr2Mo1R、P91