Hengshui embellish abundant gas equipment co., LTD

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Enterprise Nature: Joint stock enterprise
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zaoqiang County hengshui city Hebei Province China
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Product Details

Ning An gas box surge regulator provides the pressure reducing ginseng manufacturer.

Price 150000
Yield 500/年
Place of Production 河北衡水
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 5天

Product Detail Parameters

进口压力 0.4MPa

Product Description

Ning'an gas box surge regulator provides reference for reducing pressure.
1 the gas supply system is adjusted according to the requirement of the natural gas pressure provided by the manufacturer, the maximum value is less than 0.07MPa, and the gas supply pressure of the pipe network is 0.25MPa. Therefore, a pressure regulating valve must be added to adjust the pressure to the specified range. After entering the debugging stage, by adjusting the pressure regulating valve, the pressure can be adjusted to the appropriate range, but a little after a while, the pressure of the valve is slowly rising, and finally balance with the pressure of the pipe network to reach 0.25MPa, and it can not play the role of pressure regulating.
How to solve the trouble of the gas pressure regulating valve used in Run Feng
(1) fault judgment. The reasons why the regulator can not be stabilized is improper adjustment, improper installation method, self defect of the pressure regulating valve, and foreign matter stuck to the spool. According to the cause of the investigation and communication with the manufacturer, the installation and debugging factors were excluded, so the professional personnel dismantled the body, checked and cleaned the foreign objects, and no obvious problems were found. At this time, the fault could be judged to be the result of the quality defects of the newly installed pressure regulating valve.
(2) problem solving. Because the new 1 order pressure regulating valve has a longer cycle, it is decided to dismantle and replace 1 units temporarily. Through comprehensive evaluation, we found 1 old pressure regulating valves with an inlet and outlet diameter of DN50mm (the original pressure regulator caliber is DN65mm). After analyzing the main parameters of new parts and old parts, it is considered that they can be replaced. After installation and commissioning, it meets the requirements of temporary use and smoothly enters the next debugging process.
How to solve the trouble of the gas pressure regulating valve used in Run Feng
Debugging of 2 instrument electric control system
The ignition problem of 2.1 burners is selected as the German OUKE EKEVO7.4500G / E, the type of fuel is natural gas, which is a blast burner, the first air coefficient is 0, the structure is compact, and the heat load regulation range is large. Start the boiler, normally enter the starting program, before blowing a little fire a little fire a little fire a flame monitoring, in which the blowing, fire, small fire action is normal, but a few seconds after the small fire is extinguished, repeated many times, so many times.
How to solve the trouble of the gas pressure regulating valve used in Run Feng
(1) problem finding. Check the ignition system, including the igniter, the ignition line, the ignition electrode, not found the abnormal, and repeatedly adjust the flame disc and the ignition electrode gap, and the fault is still the same. It is doubted that the air-fuel ratio is not properly adjusted, so the ratio of the valve to the opening of the gas butterfly valve is repeatedly tested by manual method, and the large, medium and small opening tests are repeated many times. Yes, but the problem is still unsolved.
(2) problem solving. The cause of the analysis may not be the problem of the ignition system. If the flame monitoring system has problems, the control system can not detect the A-level current produced by the flame detection electrode, and the system identifies that the flame is not ignited to carry out the extinguishing protection. Check the flame detection electrode and terminal, find that the terminal wire is wrong when it is out of factory, re wiring, the problem is solved.
How to solve the trouble of the gas pressure regulating valve used in Run Feng
Contact mode: Tan Gong 180-0338-3735 can add WeChat to QQ:2894242950 at any time. Our factory can provide gas pressure regulation scheme, gas surge tank, gas surge tank, landing type pressure regulator, biogas pressure relief valve, special pressure regulating cabinet for gas wall hanging furnace, filter, stinker, kiln pressure regulating and setting, furnace gas pressure relief valve, gas pressure regulating valve group, boiler combustion Gas pressure regulating box, small flow gas pressure regulating device, gas residence household pressure regulating equipment, LNG regulating pressure prying, domestic gas water heater pressure reducing valve, domestic gas cooker pressure reducing valve
Baqiao District of Yanta District in Xincheng District of Xinjiang, Weinan city of Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi Province, Huxian, Lantian County, Gaoling County, Gaoling County, Changan County, Changan County, Gaoling County, Baqiao District, Yanta District, Xinjiang District
Hancheng, Linwei Pucheng County, Pucheng County, Tongguan County, Baishui County, Chengcheng County, Chengcheng County, Heyang County, Fuping County, Dali County Shaanxi Yanan

Product Performance

区 新城区 碑林区 雁塔区 灞桥区未央区 阎良区 临潼区 长安县 高陵县 蓝田县 户县 周至县 陕西省 渭南市
临渭区 韩城市 华阴市 蒲城县 潼关县 白水县 澄城县 华县 合阳县 富平县 大荔县 陕西省 延安市