Zhucheng Zhongnuo Machinery Co.,Lid.

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Location: Zhucheng City Weifang City Shandong Province China
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Product Details

Sterilization pot manufacturers, Zhucheng germicidal pan, steam sterilization

Price 10000
Yield 10000/年
Place of Production 山东诸城
Product Category 制浆设备类(煮蒸器、预煮器、反应器、贮存罐)
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

规格 1000*2200

Product Description

Sterilization pot manufacturers, Zhucheng bactericidal pan, steam sterilization cooker because the customers know that germicidal pasteurization can kill all bacteria, customer's heart is worried, so can meet the national standard of health, is able to reach, high temperature and high pressure sterilization pan especially bean products or meat products (these two kinds must be germicidal at high temperature, Bactericidal temperature 121 degrees), the bacteria in the food of Zhucheng sterilizer can meet the requirements of the state and ensure the safety of food. If the sterilization is not thorough, it will cause food spoilage, pack up bags, fail to reach the shelf life, produce food safety and so on. We produce high temperature food sterilizing pot. The work pressure 0.2MPa, the temperature adjustable 121 degrees, according to the product size to regulate the sterilization time, the steaming sterilization pot after sterilization can be transported, stored and sold at normal temperature, the cost of the circulation field is greatly reduced, and the shelf life of the goods is long, usually about 9 months.
Sterilization pot manufacturers, Zhucheng germicidal saucepans, steam sterilization pan high temperature sterilization pot from three kinds of sterilization: 1, hot water circulation sterilization: when germicidal all food is soaked in hot water, the heat distribution is more uniform and 2 steam sterilization: after food is installed in the pot, it is not first added water, sterilizing pot is directly into steam. Wen, because there are cold spots in the pot during the sterilization process, the heat distribution is not uniform. 3 spray type sterilization: this way is to use the nozzle or spray tube to spray hot water on the food. The sterilization process of Zhucheng germicidal saucepan is used in the nozzle on both sides or on the top of the germicidal pan to spray the haze shaped wave hot water to the food surface, so not only the temperature is uniform without dead angle, and the sterilization pan is also heated and cooled. The product can be sterilized quickly and completely, and it can be used for sterilization of soft packaged food.
The sterilizing pot, the Zhucheng sterilization pot and the steam sterilizer are all controlled by computer PLC, and they are completed at one time without manual operation. Using a chart plate, the screen is used for touch control. All time periods are controlled by analog sensors and automatic valves, which can switch from a single sterilization process to a multi stage sterilization process. The pressure and temperature are digitally displayed, and various pressure modes and temperature modes applicable to any product can be pre programmed into the program input computer. 100 sterilizing formulas can be stored in the computer, and Zhucheng sterilizer can be selected for use. According to the requirements of different food sterilization conditions, different heating and cooling procedures are set at any time. The multi stage heating method can be used to limit the heat of food to small, and the color, aroma and taste of the food can be kept in the condition of steam sterilization, and every kind of food can be sterilized in the state. Sterilization temperature to + 0.3 C can avoid overheating or incomplete sterilization.