Hengshui embellish abundant gas equipment co., LTD

Member Level: Register Member
Enterprise Nature: Joint stock enterprise
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zaoqiang County hengshui city Hebei Province China
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Product Details

Anqing Zhenjiang pressure regulator run rich gas equipment shortage

Price 150000
Yield 500/年
Place of Production 河北衡水
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 5天

Product Detail Parameters

进口压力 0.4MPA

Product Description

Advantages and disadvantages of Anqing Zhenjiang surge regulator gas equipment
The regional pressure regulating technology, that is, after the urban medium pressure gas pipeline enters the regional pressure station (room), is transported to the user through the low pressure pipe network after pressure adjustment to the pressure required by the user.
1 the advantages of regional pressure regulation:
1.1 gas supply capacity is large, easy for centralized management and maintenance.
1.2 the distance between medium pressure gas pipelines is shorter and the operational risk is reduced.
2 the drawback of regional pressure regulation:
The location of the 2.1 pressure station is more demanding, not only to meet the safety gap between other buildings and structures, but also to be located in the center of gas gas load or near the large user.
2. 2, medium and low pressure gas pipelines may be parallel for a long distance, and the diameter of the low pressure pipe network is large.
It not only takes up more underground resources, but also has difficulty in pipelines.
The construction cost of the 2.3 pressure regulating station (room) is high.
2.4 the scope of gas supply is large, so the pressure of each gas point is unstable, prone to overpressure or undervoltage.
2.5 the impact of pipeline and pressure regulating facilities on customers is larger.
Our factory can provide gas pressure regulation scheme, gas surge tank, gas pressure surge tank, landing type pressure regulator, biogas pressure relief valve, special pressure regulating cabinet for gas wall hanging furnace, filter, stinker, kiln pressure regulating equipment, furnace gas pressure relief valve, gas pressure regulating valve group, boiler gas surge tank, small flow gas pressure regulating device, small gas gas District household pressure regulating equipment, LNG pressure regulating prying, domestic gas water heater pressure reducing valve, domestic gas cooker pressure reducing valve

Product Performance
