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Product Details

European energy and energy saving horn for customer experience protection

Price 11
Yield 111/年
Place of Production 上海
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 1天

Product Detail Parameters


Product Description

The country has emphasized the importance of environmental protection many times recently, and has taken many targeted measures: vigorously promoting new energy vehicles, research and development of environmental protection materials, environmental protection agents and so on.
Many people know that it is very important to create a green atmosphere. Everyone vows to make a positive contribution to the country's environmental protection, but in the end ---.
Most people still order takeout disposable lunch boxes made of white plastic, and most people still enjoy a frozen life with low-temperature air conditioning on. With the mentality of "it's no big deal without me", the concept of environmental protection seems not to be popular among the people.
It seems that most people still lack some awareness of environmental protection. In this respect, I must not praise the R & D team of Europe. In this respect, Euro has not dragged its feet at all, on the contrary, it has introduced a lot of research and development personnel for the air compressor and gas storage tank in the development of an energy-saving system provides a solid foundation.
Energy saving system for European Energy Compressor
Presumably, everyone has heard about BYD. BYD is a leader in the new energy automobile industry, is recognized by the state as a pioneer in environmental protection and energy conservation, at the end of 2015, BYD engineers through a number of energy-saving equipment manufacturers visited, ultimately selected our OENG You. After listening to BYD's series of appeals, Owen took on the sacred task with determination.
The next day, the engineer of Ou Neng You personally went to the Songjiang base of BYD for on-site surveying and mapping, and after repeated communication and exchanges, the program was revised again and again. Finally, BYD decided to purchase the Shenjiang gas storage tank, Brett energy-saving air compressor and the energy-saving system in bulk.
Once again, our energy-saving technology has conquered our customers, big customers, small customers, we are all equal. In the future, the energy-saving horn will be the first response by our European Union, and then with a sincere heart to impress each of our customers, escorting their experience.
Source: Shanghai Compressor Co., Ltd.