
Member Level: Register Member
Enterprise Nature: State-owned
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Fengxian District Shanghai City China
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Product Details

Gas storage tanks, we really care about it.

Price 11
Yield 111/年
Place of Production 上海
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 1天

Product Detail Parameters


Product Description

Today, I saw a news on Netease. A young man with brain cancer raised more than 60,000 medical fees through a network platform. But when he was very sick and needed to be transferred to hospital to withdraw the money, the platform asked for a deduction of 5 points of tax. The donation has been over for three months, and the platform is still doing this good. The money was buckled in the hands.
Perhaps many friends now understand that such a platform is undoubtedly the use of this wave of doctor-patient incidents to promote their own popularity, on the other hand, for profit purposes, deviating from the original intention of charity.
Energy saving system for European Energy Compressor
For this platform, Shen Jiang is firmly against it. For more than ten years, Shenjiang insists on giving back to consumers with its best efforts. Instead of being a vampire, Shenjiang has to be a hard-working gardener to irrigate customers'backyards. Let's not say that some of the gas tanks we make less than 10% of the profits, or even no exaggeration to say that there are some gas tanks, we are selling with a discount of money...
Shenjiang people never use the Internet to do anything malicious marketing, down-to-earth products is the biggest creed of Shenjiang people, Shenjiang and customers will always be mutual help and mutual assistance, will never use customers to do what they do not want to do.
Although the law can not restrain those who fake charity under the guise of charity, but the inner morality will condemn them, it is this kind of morality that helps Shenjiang to become stronger and stronger.
Source: Shen Jiang gas storage tank manufacturer