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Product Details

Known as the first air compressor OEM in the East.

Price 111
Yield 11/年
Place of Production 上海
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 1天

Product Detail Parameters


Product Description

In the historical tide of air compressors, there is an enterprise known as the Orient's first OEM air compressor factory, it is originated from Germany's Chinese air compressor brand - Dreia.
Yang Hu, founder of Dyna, was one of the new young people in Chinese traditional industry when he was young. First of all, I would like to tell you the background of the times, the Western public air compressor brand, either with the core technology of the United States to support, or the Soviet Union brand in the Chinese market dominated.
Probably most people will have no idea about this history. Derria wasn't an OEM air compressor at first. His predecessor was a German clothing company operating in China. At a time when the industry is in danger, Yang Hu, who has seen such a spectacle, travels to the United States to study alone. On his way to school, he is lucky enough to witness these imported air compressors. Every night, he tosses and turns like a treasure.
Energy saving system for European Energy Compressor
At that time, he was over the age of Huajia, happened to catch up with the 1960s and 1970s China, the Chinese people are experiencing reform washing, but the Chinese air compressor market is really a blank, at this time, Yang Hu Lingji, in 1962, he bought the German trademark rights and equity, the creation of Dreia. The air compressor plant is located in all parts of China. At the beginning, Delia only did the work of air compressor, but the quality of Yang Hu's air compressor can be said to be unique in all parts of the country, by the air compressor peer favorite. Not only the domestic businessmen sought to do OEMs, but also the famous air compressor manufacturers, such as the Soviet Union and the United States at that time, came forward to extend the olive branch of cooperation. For a time, Dyna's foundry business was getting better and better, and soon it was everywhere in the East.
By the 1970s and 1980s, China had caught up with the tide of reform and opening up, and China's air compressors had ushered in a troubled autumn. Many foreign air compressor substitutes have begun to emulate Dreia's air compressor substitutes. But Delia still chooses to join hands with Shenjiang gas storage tank manufacturers, each generation of an air compressor, will be matched with the Shenjiang brand of gas storage tanks, without exception. Shenjiang Factory, formerly a local state-owned enterprise in Shanghai, has been steadfastly doing the production of gas storage tanks in this century. Drea is indeed a porter of the air compressor industry, but it must be said that each of its air compressors condensed the blood and tears of the air compressors of the society at that time, full of new Chinese young people want to break through the mystery and build the future passion.
In January 2009 of this century, Yang Yang, a hundred year old, died quietly in a hospital in Chaoyang, Beijing, China. The tears of the times are always silent, for China has worked for 50 years air compressor is still unknown, we have to say that this is a sad as today's air compressor. Perhaps this obscure history has upset everyone's perception of the history of air compressors. As a kind of regret, Dreia's brand has not been able to enter people's vision again in today's China, it can be said that the brand in the new era of short-term curtain, but think carefully, perhaps many brands are not concerned about reputation, but want to retain the original dedication to people's innocence and touched. Maybe one day, like Dreia, who has been out of sight for a long time, he will go into people's lives and bring them happiness again.
Source: Shanghai Shen Jiang pressure vessel Co., Ltd.