Zhucheng Zhongnuo Machinery Co.,Lid.

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Location: Zhucheng City Weifang City Shandong Province China
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Product Details

Heat conduction pine nut pot, poultry rosin pot, pig head hair removal

Price 1000
Yield 100/年
Place of Production 山东诸城
Product Category 制浆设备类(煮蒸器、预煮器、反应器、贮存罐)
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

规格 1000

Product Description

Heat conduction oil rosin pot, poultry rosin pot, pig's head depilation pot today in the restaurant to eat a special delicious pig's feet fried soybean, soft glutinous pig's feet into the mouth instantly melted, eat full of collagen, is a favorite dish for girls love the United States. How do we get rid of the hair on the hoof? We need our rosin pot to help. Heating method is electric heating, sandwich is heat conduction oil, poultry rosin pot generally recommended that customers add 320 heat conduction oil, temperature to about 200 degrees, because the melting point of rosin in 170 degrees, so it can be adjusted to about 200 degrees, in order to avoid the temperature too low rosin boil not melt, temperature too high easy to charcoal rosin, electric heating automatic temperature control. Dynamic insulation can avoid these problems very well, which is also an important reason to remove traditional fire.
Heat conduction oil rosin pot, poultry rosin pot, pig head depilation pot applicable and operation: 1, before use, first add 320 heat conduction oil, generally one-time add 130kg ~ 150kg, the oil level to vernier prevail. 2, when refueling, the hole three pipe should be screwed down and the dipstick hole should be screwed open for exhaust. 3, when the oil arrives at the oil level, let it stop for 10 minutes before heating. 4. Heating first closes the leakage protection switch in the distribution box. The poultry rosin pot pulls the power switch on the door of the distribution box to the open position. At this time, the temperature controller is electrified and the number can be set first. 5. When setting the number of the thermostat, press SET button lightly first. When the number flickers, press_and_to increase or decrease, and then reset. 6, add rosin, general rosin into the rosin pot 4/5. 7. Heating, turn the heating switch on the panel of the distribution box to the heating, and point to the upper right. At this time, the heating lamp is green and the heating starts to work.
Heat conduction oil rosin pot, poultry rosin pot, pig head depilation pot attention: 1, rosin pot above the air vent must be maintained unobstructed, strictly prohibited plugging, in order to prevent serious consequences. 2. To choose the right power supply route, a group of heating copper wire selection 10 square, two groups of heating wire distribution 16 square, national standard line. 3, we must first add heat conduction oil and then start heating, do not dry burn, so as not to burn bad electric heating tube. 4, the temperature of the rosin pot is 160 degrees to 250 degrees. 5. Poultry rosin pot if it is found that out of the stomata out of the white smoke, is the heat conduction oil carbonization, electric heating pipe can not diverge, resulting in heating pipe temperature is too high, or the quality of heat conduction oil is not good, at this time can not continue heating, should be treated as soon as possible electric heating pipe. 6. Check the tightness of the screw of the terminal post regularly to keep good contact and prevent the terminal post and electrical appliances from burning out. 7, heat transfer oil must be replaced after one year, to prevent aging conjunctiva and affect heating effect. 8. After using rosin pot for half a year, the heating flange should be removed to clean up the impurities in the barrel and the oil stains on the heating pipe, so as to prolong the service life of the turpentine pot.