Hengshui embellish abundant gas equipment co., LTD

Member Level: Register Member
Enterprise Nature: Joint stock enterprise
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zaoqiang County hengshui city Hebei Province China
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Product Details

RX500/0.4C-M gas regulator cabinet Ruifeng country standard

Price 56800
Yield 500/年
Place of Production 河北衡水
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 10天

Product Detail Parameters

进口压力 0.4MPA

Product Description

National standard configuration of RX500/0.4C-M gas regulator
According to the actual situation of our city, the following conditions are determined: import pressure: 0.015-0.025 MPa; export pressure: 1.7-2.5 KPa; flow rate: 3200-3600 m2/h.
The main equipment of the regulator is shown in Table 1:
Table 1 shows from the above table that the characteristics of the gas pressure regulating cabinet are:
(1) the key components of the main regulator are produced by Run Feng gas equipment, and the quality performance can be guaranteed.
(2) the regulator and other pipeline interfaces are flanged for easy disassembly and maintenance.
(3) the pressure regulating cabinet has the functions of overpressure cut-off and safe release.
(4) the direct acting voltage regulator has the advantages of high sensitivity and high accuracy.
Our factory can provide gas pressure regulating scheme, gas pressure regulating cabinet, gas pressure regulating box, floor pressure regulating cabinet, methane pressure reducing valve, gas wall hanging furnace special pressure regulating cabinet, filter, deodorizer, kiln pressure regulating equipment, kiln gas pressure reducing valve, gas pressure regulating valve group, boiler gas pressure regulating box, small flow gas pressure regulating device, small gas. District household pressure regulating equipment, LNG pressure regulating prying, domestic gas water heater pressure reducing valve, domestic gas cooker pressure reducing valve

Product Performance
