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Product Details

What will the air compressor bring after using inferior lubricants?

Price 11
Yield 11111/年
Place of Production 上海
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 11天

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Product Description

Return to List Source: Brett Views Mobile Web Site Browse: 1 Release Date: 2018-09-1409:05:47
Xiaobian's hometown is a very remote mountain village. It is not exaggerated to say that the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the scenery is beautiful. In popular words, it is a place of original ecology.
Memory of the hometown for the small edition, there are many very comfortable words to describe it, right, comfortable! For example, the wind blows, such as grass and warbler, such as blue sky and grass.
BLT-100AGS air compressor 02
In the deepest of my memory, the streams there are clear to the bottom. I liked to play in the water when I was a child. When I was in the water, my toes could touch the sand and rocks and swimming fish. I could hold a handful of streams with my hands. I could also touch the green vegetation just out of my head. There are many trees and flowers beside the streams, and the sounds of the streams clattering. The best is alive!
Time flies, a few years later, during this period Xiaobian outside study, work, memory of the clear stream can only flow in the heart. It was not until an accidental chance that Xiao Bian returned to his hometown to explore his mother and came back to his childhood paradise again. What a sight it is to look like, the vegetation has withered, the stream has dried up, the only place with water is still covered with white plastic bags...
This stream loses its intelligent life -- clear and clear water. It is the symbol of life, like human blood, if it is polluted, it will be completely lost.
Such a home to Xiaobian is shocking, let Xiaobian think of the current industrial must be used in the air compressor commonly used lubricants, most of the air compressor users know that the air compressor is required to do regular maintenance on time, of which lubricating oil is essential, Xiaobian contacts the most is the Brett air compressor, many. Users in order to save costs, do not want to use the original Brett authentic lubricants, but use inferior lubricants, then inferior lubricants bring about the worst consequences?
Energy saving system for European Energy Compressor
1. Because it is not the original lube oil, the manufacturer's standard is not the same, use in the Brett machine, consumption is fast, the machine is easy to damage.
2. Low-quality lubricating oil manufacturers are not strict, lubricating oil is prone to impurities, running cycle, because the main engine Yin-Yang rotor clearance is small, easy to jam the main engine, resulting in serious consequences.
3. poor quality lubricants mixed with oil and gas after separation performance is poor, resulting in impure gas.
Finally, Xiaobian to say, whether it is Xiaobian heart of the stream, or air compressor oil, or its true face is the best!
Source: compressor

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