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Product Details

The quality of the air compressor can seriously threaten the life of the air compressor.

Price 11
Yield 上海/年
Place of Production 上海
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 11天

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Product Description

Return to List Source: Shenjiang View Mobile Website Browse: - Publication Date: 2018-04-19 08:53:11
The tire rim has always been a saying: make-up = demining, this is not an exaggeration, tire industry know that tire explosions occur from time to time, high pressure, tire aging, cord breakage, hub problems may cause tire explosions. In the course of driving, tire explosion is the most dangerous for the driver, but it is the most dangerous for the tire makeup, especially for the passenger car tire. How many tire people fall into a pool of blood instantly and die on the spot.
The scene of the explosion of the mobile tyre truck is not enough.
Tyre explosions are common, but this time Shenjiang asked who to say that the tire explosion is not the biggest threat facing tire people, "air compressor tank explosion" - the term may be strange, but it is actually more dangerous than tire explosion. Besides the explosion of the gas storage tank of the mobile tire-filling car above, there is also a video provided by the owner's friends for Shenjiang. You know the horror of the explosion of the gas storage tank after you feel it.
You don't think it will happen, but you are always around.
Many tire shopkeepers and tire workers have long believed that the explosion was a long way off and that it was impossible for them to spread it out on their own. But what about tire workers who bleed or even lost their lives because of tire explosions, air compressors, etc? If you don't pay attention to it, you will be the one who suffers.
Energy saving system
Shenjiang search keywords, from the search engine has seen the air compressor gas tank explosion is not an accident.
Not to mention the more frequent tire explosions than the air compressor explosion injuries tire workers, bicycles and wheels from October to the present reported tire bursts in 16 cases.
And the tire explosion is off the point, we go back to the air compressor tank explosion, car and wheel shop owner group inside the owner of a warrior has faced the air compressor tank explosion experience, although no casualties, but the explosion of the air storage tank of the powerful impact of the shopkeeper's operating car "heavy casualties".
Gas tank, air pressure and explosion
The most fundamental reason of gas tank explosion is air pressure: setting high pressure, overloading for a long time, seriously damaging the service life of gas storage tank, poor gas storage tank will be affected by gas tank pressure.
Especially the air compressor of the flow tire repairing operation is more vulnerable to danger. The flow tire repairing is driven by the diesel engine. The vibration of the diesel engine is great. The welding place is easy to crack. If cracks occur, it will not leak a little bit, but can not bear the pressure to explode suddenly. Although today's gas tanks are contracted for 10 years, but because of the diesel engine drive, vibration factors will shorten their service life, five years of use time replacement has to be put on the agenda.
Safety is more important than Mount Tai.
1. The use of internal combustion engine and motor of air compressor should be operated according to the safety requirements of internal combustion engine and motor.
2. In order to ensure the normal use of air compressors, air compressors must be inspected in accordance with the following requirements before operating:
(1) sufficient fuel is added to the fuel.
(2) the fastening parts are fastened, and the valves of various motion mechanisms and parts are closed and flexible.
(3) all protective devices are complete and no water is stored in the storage tank.
(4) the motor and starter housing of the electric air compressor are well grounded and the earth resistance is not greater than 4 ohms.
3, air compressor work conditions should adhere to clean and boring. As a pressure vessel, the gas tank should be placed in a well-ventilated place, as far as possible to reduce the temperature to improve the quality of compressed air storage; to stay away from the heat source, from the gas tank within 15m must not be welded or hot processing operations.
4. Gas storage tanks and gas pipelines shall be subjected to hydraulic tests every two years, and pressure gauges and safety valves shall be checked at least once a year.
5. Starting the air compressor must be carried out in the form of no load. After normal operation, it gradually enters the load operation.
6. When the intake and exhaust pipes of air compressor are long, they should be fixed, and the pipes should not be bent sharply to reduce the gas transmission resistance. In order to prevent the deformation of the metal pipeline due to thermal expansion and cold contraction, a telescopic deformation device is set up for a longer pipeline.
7. Before opening the air supply valve, the gas pipeline should be well connected, and the gas pipeline should be maintained dredging, not distorted and told the relevant personnel before air supply. No task or standing should be banned before the outlet. Storage tanks should be placed in the ventilated area, and no sun exposure and high temperature baking are strictly prohibited.
8, the maximum pressure in the tank can not exceed the nameplate rules, and the safety valve should be useful.
9. In operation, if the negative cylinder is overheated due to lack of water and shut down, can not immediately add cold water, must wait for the natural cooling of the cylinder block to 60 degrees Celsius before adding water.
10. Oil and water in liquid-gas separator, intermediate cooler and rear cooler should be discharged once every 2 hours. The oil and water in the storage tank should be discharged 1~2 times per shift.
11. When the electric air compressor is suddenly out of power during operation, the power supply should be cut off immediately and restarted under no load after the incoming call.
12. When the engine stops, the load should be unloaded first, and then separated from the main clutch; and then the operation of the internal combustion engine or the idea should be stopped.
13. After shutdown, the cooling water valve is closed, the air valve is opened, and the oil water and gas stored in the cooler and the gas storage tank are discharged. When the temperature is below 5 C, all parts should be put away until they can leave.
14, when using compressed air to blow parts, it is forbidden to aim at the body or other equipment.
15. At the end of the task, the remaining gas in the storage tank will be released. Winter should be replaced by cooling water.
16. If one of the following conditions is found, the machine shall be stopped immediately for inspection, and the cause shall be found out and the trouble shall be eliminated before the operation can be continued:
(1) leakage, leakage, leakage or sudden interruption of cooling water;
(2) the pressure gauge, thermometer and ammeter have exceeded the prescribed value.
(3) the exhaust pressure suddenly rises, and the exhaust valve and safety valve fail.
(4) the machine has abnormal sound or the electric brush has strong sparks.
Shen Jiang said
In order to make other people drive safer, the tire man has to bear the risk in the process of operation; tire explosion, gas tank explosion, accident car tipping, road collapse, hit by other vehicles, it seems that the tire man never bear the risk. Said so much, Shen Jiang just wanted to say.Please show more respect and care to the tire owners. The tire owners must be professional and safe in the process of tire installation and repair. Usually check and check more, to prevent the unexpected!
Source: Shanghai Shen Jiang gas storage tank

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