Zhucheng Zhongnuo Machinery Co.,Lid.

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Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zhucheng City Weifang City Shandong Province China
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Product Details

Sterilizer price, high temperature sterilizer, sea cucumber sterilization

Price 10000
Yield 122/年
Place of Production 山东诸城
Product Category 制浆设备类(煮蒸器、预煮器、反应器、贮存罐)
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

规格 900*1800

Product Description

Sterilizer price, high temperature sterilizing pot, sea cucumber sterilizing pot nutrient high is instant sea cucumber, choose fresh sea cucumber without pollution, processing process does not add preservatives, vacuum packaging using high temperature sterilizing pot technology, from fishing to processing into finished products only takes 24 hours, the shorter the processing time, the more fresh the product, processing. The fewer times the nutrient loss of sea cucumber, after high temperature and high pressure sterilization, can be stored at room temperature for a year, as a high protein and high nutrient food, independent packaging is easy to carry can open the bag ready to eat, very popular with people.
The price of sterilizing pot, high temperature sterilizing pot and sea cucumber sterilizing pot use double pot hot water circulation to sterilize. The water in the sterilizing pot is heated to the required temperature in advance, thus shortening the sterilization time and improving the work efficiency. The working medium used in the sterilization process can be recycled to save energy, time, manpower and material consumption, and reduce the production cost. During sterilization, two cans were used alternately as sterilizing tanks, and at the same time, the output was increased.
Sterilization pot price, high-temperature sterilization pot, sea cucumber sterilization pot uniform water exchange mode, uniform temperature, no dead angle using international advanced technology, using hot water circulation, immersion sterilization, sterilization process, sterilization tank circulating water is up, down, left, right continuous switching, to ensure that the sterilization tank from heating, heat preservation By cooling, the heat distribution at any point is uniform, effectively eliminating the dead angle phenomenon in the process of sterilization, so that the product shelf life is more stable and long. The temperature in the sterilization tank is always in the process of sterilization.