Zhucheng Zhongnuo Machinery Co.,Lid.

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Enterprise Nature: Personal company
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zhucheng City Weifang City Shandong Province China
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Product Details

Steam interlayer pot, interlayer pot manufacturer, pear paste interlayer

Price 10000
Yield 10000/年
Place of Production 山东诸城
Product Category 制浆设备类(煮蒸器、预煮器、反应器、贮存罐)
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

规格 600

Product Description

Steam sandwich pot, sandwich pot manufacturers, pear paste sandwich pot electric heating sandwich pot is the need to inject heat conduction oil in the sandwich, heat conduction oil as a heating medium, its temperature can reach more than 300 degrees, temperature can be adjusted, according to their own products to choose the desired temperature, how to add heat conduction oil? On one side of the pot there is an oil injection port, pumped in with oil, you can also add oil manually, next to an oil ruler to open to see the upper and lower limit, not higher than the upper limit not lower than the lower limit. The sandwich pot is heated by the heat conducting oil. It has large heating area and fast heat transfer. It can be divided into tilting and vertical type according to our needs. The operation is very convenient.
Steam sandwich pot, sandwich pot manufacturer, pear paste sandwich pot on the safety valve, must use the company has been assigned to use the safety valve, not self-adjustment. In the course of using sandwich pot, the temperature of heat conducting oil should be paid attention to frequently. Usually, the temperature of heat conducting oil should not exceed 150 C. (Controlled by electronic control box), timely and pay attention to adjust the temperature; Properly over 150, pay attention to the oil temperature, pressure changes and do a good job of other safety measures. The vertical cooker heated the material to the desired temperature and released the material from the bottom of the pan.
When steam sandwich pan, sandwich pan manufacturer, pear paste sandwich pan add heat conduction oil, it is recommended to buy 320 degree oil temperature heat conduction oil, which can quickly increase the oil temperature, improve work efficiency, before refueling plug the oil outlet, the amount of oil to the spillway 4-5 cm below the appropriate, and then before heating with a valve to seal one side of the spillway, the other side first connected with a conduit guide. The excess heat conductive oil may flow out into a barrel when heated by flow, and can be sealed by valve after 4 to 5 times of use.