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Product Details

Performance and operation of air filters

Price 11
Yield 111/年
Place of Production 上海
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 1天

Product Detail Parameters

品牌 德瑞亚空压机

Product Description

In the air compressor equipment, we often neglect the importance of the conventional maintenance and replacement of air filters, that as long as it can be used, in fact, the performance and quality of air filters in the operation of the air compressor plays a very core role.
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Why do air compressors and other equipment need to be equipped with air filters? Mainly to ensure that the air involved in the operation of equipment is relatively pure, ensure the service life of equipment and product quality. The air filter material on the market is generally dry paper type. The function of air filter is to collect dust from gas-solid two-phase flow and purify the gas by the action of porous dry paper filter material. For different industries and different equipment their use of air filter filtering accuracy is not the same, for air compressor equipment used in the air filter, filtering accuracy generally filter out impurities about 10um particles. Many large particles of impurities are filtered through air filters.
In view of the air filter used in the Deria energy-saving air compressor equipment, the filtered compressed air enters the equipment to participate in the compression. Clean compressed air can ensure that the lubricating oil involved in the work is clean, extend the life of the lubricating oil, and ensure the lubricating effect. At the same time, the service life of the machine is prolonged. The quality of the air filter plays a very important role in the performance and life of the equipment.
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What happens when the air filter is blocked? Generally speaking, it depends on the environment. Under normal circumstances, the service life of the air filter is about 2000 hours. For places with poor environment, it is recommended that the user remove the air filter element every 500 hours or so, from inside to outside, using 3-4 kg of compressed air pressure for purging. If the blockage is serious, it is recommended to replace the new air filter.
Derria Energy Saving Air Compressor is the leading brand in the air compressor industry. The air filters it uses come from the core products of German MANN Company. Excellent components ensure the quality of products. Welcome to dial the 400 hotline 4009008509.
Article source: energy saving air compressor

Product Performance