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Product Details

What is the high temperature of air compressor?

Price 11
Yield 1111/年
Place of Production 上海
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 1天

Product Detail Parameters

品牌 欧能优

Product Description

Today I will analyze the general problem of Air Compressors: how can the air compressor run high? The vast majority of users of air compressors often bother about this. There are many reasons for the high temperature of air compressors.
1. Air compressor room is very important, the machine needs open space in the process of operation, the wall using ventilation equipment such as exhaust fans, a ventilation on the opposite wall, cold air into the air compressor room, a ventilation to air compressor room heat back to the outside, can greatly reduce the operating temperature of the equipment.
2. The installation position of the air compressor is also important. The heat dissipation side of the machine needs to leave the surrounding wall for 2 meters, which can not hinder the air flow.
3. The air compressor needs to be maintained in time. The service life of the rotor lubricating oil is out of date. The lubricating oil needs to be replaced to bring out the heat of the pump head better.
4. Oil plugging is easy to cause high temperature, users often do not change oil plugging, oil plugging in a large number of garbage dust blocked the built-in filter paper, oil can not flow normally resulting in high temperature air compressor, so it is necessary to replace new oil plugging, to achieve the true filter oil, cooling equipment effect
5. Air filter clogging is easy to high temperature, air can not cause into the machine for compression, heavy truck operation, the need to replace new air filter, to achieve the cooling effect of the machine.
6. In order to reduce the maintenance cost, some users change the tubing privately, the diameter of the tubing becomes smaller, the flow of rotor lubricant decreases, the heat inside the machine can not be taken out, so the original parts of the machine need to be replaced, and the machine runs normally.
7. The high temperature of air compressor is mostly our cooler has a lot of dust attached to the door, can not normal heat dissipation, so the need for users to develop a good habit of using patrol inspection plan, regular cleaning of cooling equipment, so that the normal use of air compressor.
8, the air compressor core components damaged, there is no way that it can only be replaced or repaired. Note that this problem requires customers to develop good maintenance habits, can be ruled out.
9, the air compressor has some negative pressure mode of operation, the door plate of the air compressor can not be opened. Some users do not understand the operation of the equipment. In this connection, they can contact the original Engineer for training.
Energy saving system for European Energy Compressor
10. Temperature sensor of air compressor has been used for a long time. Aging may also misreport information, so it is necessary to replace new accessories to solve the problem.
The vast number of users of air compressors need to develop good equipment usage habits, regular maintenance, careful listening to the original plant equipment engineer's suggestions, take precautions in the future. Shanghai Ou Neng You Machinery Co., Ltd. specializes in air compressor industry for several decades. Welcome new and old friends to call 40082 36800.
Source: Euro energy energy saving system

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