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Product Details

A little story about air compressors

Price 11
Yield 11111/年
Place of Production 上海
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 11天

Product Detail Parameters


Product Description

This is a small story about the Omnon air compressor - "disappear" air compressor, one day received a customer's call for repair, our maintenance staff Comrade Lu Xiao under the company's arrangements, within half an hour arrived at the user's fault air compressor site, so the story began!
"Xiao Lu, will start the maintenance immediately, will the air compressor switch to the electricity saving mode?"
"You can rest assured that in the process of switching, the spare air compressor will'disappear'in a moment, you do not say that our'power-saving magic weapon' really works." It's incredible that a sufficient weight of air compressor equipment can be made to disappear without any external force, and this method is also known as the "magic weapon of saving electricity".
Energy saving system for European Energy Compressor
Ha ha, have been seen ignorant! The truth is this: In fact, this is the latest implementation of an energy-saving operation system in the operation workshop of a wide and thick plate division by Ou Neng You. It is not to let the air compressor really disappear, but to plan and use the two air compressors reasonably, to reduce the number of air compressors in the case of sufficient supply pressure, to avoid energy waste. The air compressor in the operation workshop is responsible for the gas supply of three production lines. The air compressor itself is a "high power consumption equipment" and has always been the focus of tapping the potential to tackle key problems. In the process of energy consumption analysis, workshop managers found that the air pressure was abundant during the overhaul time, and the shutdown of an air compressor did not affect the normal production of the other three production lines at all. At the same time, it can ensure the regular maintenance of spare equipment, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. According to 40 hours of maintenance per month and 1200 kilowatt-hour reduction in electricity consumption, 350,000 yuan of electricity can be saved annually. See if you understand it here, do you also feel that you can't beat it!
Source: Shen Jiang gas storage tank

Product Performance