Hengshui embellish abundant gas equipment co., LTD

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Enterprise Nature: Joint stock enterprise
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zaoqiang County hengshui city Hebei Province China
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Product Details

RX900 gas regulator is running continuously.

Price 500
Yield 500/年
Place of Production 河北衡水
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

进口压力 0.4mpa

Product Description

RX900 gas regulator is constantly supplying gas.
Run Feng Technology to solve the problem of continuous supply of voltage regulator
The gas pressure regulating station is generally designed with two specifications of the same pressure regulating equipment set, and its technological process is shown in Figure 1.
(1) install a cut-off safety device before the regulator, fast and safe shut-off valve. Once the regulator breaks down, the outlet pressure increases, and the gas source can be cut off quickly and effectively, and the gas supply can be stopped. Avoid long-term release of safety devices, so that dangerous areas around the station yard, so as to prevent accidents and reduce energy waste.
(2) a two way joint operation mode is adopted. The two pressure regulating devices in the station will be put into operation soon. The first one will be operated, assuming the main gas supply task, and the second one will be in the standby state. When the first regulator fails to shut down, the second way can start the gas supply by itself, and complete the automatic switching of the regulator system, so as to ensure the uninterrupted safe supply and use of gas.
Run Feng Technology to solve the problem of continuous supply of voltage regulator
Technological process
According to the two-way combined operation mode, when the pressure regulating station is running, the first way pressure regulating device is in working state (p2 = 2500Pa), while the second way pressure regulating device is in standby shutdown state. When the first way pressure regulating device appears interference (pressure superelevation or drop), the quick safety shutoff valve starts and cuts off the gas source, so the user continues. Pressure will drop when gas is used. When the pressure drops to the set value of outlet pressure of the second way pressure regulator (P2 = 2200Pa), the second way pressure regulator will start by itself. To undertake the task of supplying gas continuously, and to ensure that the pressure of the whole road fluctuates, it does not cause second ways to close and cut off. In order to make the two ways of gas supply interact and complement each other, it is necessary to adjust their operation technical parameters, and to determine the technical parameters of the two ways device regulator and quick safety shutoff valve as shown in Table 1.
Run Feng Technology to solve the problem of continuous supply of voltage regulator
Through the above technical measures, one can meet the peak gas demand is greater than the single-way regulator gas supply, the realization of double-way automatic gas supply, increase gas supply, meet the needs of gas; the other can solve the one-way regulator fault, stop gas supply, the other way self-starting gas supply, to ensure the continuity of gas supply. To ensure safe and stable gas supply, eliminate accidents and improve the reliability of gas supply.
Run Feng Technology to solve the problem of continuous supply of voltage regulator
Our factory can provide gas pressure regulating scheme, gas pressure regulating cabinet, gas pressure regulating box, floor pressure regulating cabinet, methane pressure reducing valve, gas wall hanging furnace special pressure regulating cabinet, filter, deodorizer, kiln pressure regulating equipment, kiln gas pressure reducing valve, gas pressure regulating valve group, boiler gas pressure regulating box, small flow gas pressure regulating device, small gas. District household pressure regulating equipment, LNG pressure regulating prying, domestic gas water heater pressure reducing valve, domestic gas cooker pressure reducing valve

Product Performance
