Hengshui embellish abundant gas equipment co., LTD

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Location: Zaoqiang County hengshui city Hebei Province China
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Product Details

Low Temperature Solution for Operation of High Pressure Gas Regulator R

Price 5
Yield 5/年
Place of Production 河北衡水
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 5天

Product Detail Parameters

进口压力 0.4MPa

Product Description

Low Temperature Solution RF for High Pressure Gas Regulator Operation
Heat exchanger method
In this industry, shell and tube heat exchangers are commonly used in families.
The principle of the heat exchanger method is that in order to increase the temperature of natural gas at the inlet of the regulator, natural gas is heated by circulating hot water, thus avoiding the freezing of the regulator.
In order to make the circulating water get heat source after passing through the gas hot water boiler, heat exchange is used to heat the heat exchanger, and finally it can enter the regulator.
The basic parameters of hot water supply are as follows: water supply temperature is up to 80 C, return water temperature is the lowest 65 C.
It is also necessary to ensure that the natural gas temperature can still reach the specified value under the most disadvantageous conditions of the water heater.
In the design of heat exchanger, in order to optimize the hot water pipeline, the water pressure loss can be minimized as much as possible.
Therefore, the theoretical pressure loss value of water side should be provided in the process calculation, and its range should be controlled within 0.02 MPa.
Features: Heating while ensuring safety. The heat exchanger method can not only heat the regulator, but also ensure the safe operation of the regulator and the downstream pipe section of the regulator. The production technology is more mature, such as its supporting product hot water boiler, which can ensure this, very good. At the same time, it is suitable for all types of large, medium and small, and has a wide range of voltage regulation. However, it also has shortcomings. In order to complete a heating cycle, it is necessary to add circulating water pumps, hot water boilers, hot water pipes, control instruments and other equipment, but it needs a large area. It also needs to consume a large amount of heat and electric energy when needed. At the same time, heat exchangers and matching hot water boilers belong to pressure vessels and also need to be used. Every year, the operation cost is high; the operation management also needs technical requirements, full-time personnel to guard, as well as the high procurement cost of complete sets of equipment, resulting in a complex situation of the system.
Because of the complexity of the pipeline system, installation and application are somewhat troublesome, including hot water pipes, hot water pumps, boilers, heat exchangers and control instruments and other accessories need to be installed.
However, in application, this heat transfer method is widely used, and all kinds of high and medium pressure surge stations at home and abroad are used.
Our company can provide gas pressure regulating scheme, gas pressure regulating cabinet, gas pressure regulating box, floor type pressure regulating cabinet, biogas pressure reducing valve, special pressure regulating cabinet for gas wall hanging furnace, filter, odorizer, kiln pressure regulating equipment, kiln gas pressure reducing valve, gas pressure regulating valve group, boiler gas pressure regulating box, small flow gas pressure regulating device and gas. Residential pressure regulating equipment, LNG pressure regulating pry, pressure reducing valve of household gas water heater, pressure reducing valve of household gas stove

Product Performance
