Hebei kangdao Plastics Technology Co Ltd

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Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Jingxian County hengshui city Hebei Province China
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Product Details

Rubber Rectangular Compensation for Large Expansion Joints Produced by Manufacturers

Price 2400
Yield 12000/年
Place of Production 景县
Product Category 环境保护类(火炬、废气制酸设备、废气精馏冷却塔)
Delivery Time 7天

Product Detail Parameters

材质 三元乙丙

Product Description

Moment-type non-metallic fabric compensator (expansion joint or expansion joint)
It can compensate for the axial and angular directions. It has the characteristics of no thrust, simplified bearing design, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, noise reduction and shock absorption, etc. It is especially suitable for hot air pipes and dust pipes.
Main features:
1. Compensation for installation error: Because the system error is unavoidable in the process of pipeline connection, the fiber compensator can better compensate the installation error.
2. Noise and vibration reduction: Fiber fabrics and insulating cotton have the functions of sound absorption and vibration isolation, which can effectively reduce the noise and vibration of boilers, fans and other systems.
3. No backthrust: Because the main material is fiber fabric, the transfer is weak. The use of fiber fabric compensator can simplify the design, avoid the use of large supports, and save a lot of material and labor.
4. Good resistance to high temperature and corrosion: Fluoroplastics and silicone materials have good resistance to high temperature and corrosion.
5. Good sealing performance: There is a relatively perfect production and assembly system, non-metallic expansion joint can ensure no leakage.
6. Light weight, simple structure, easy installation and maintenance.
7. The price of fabric compensator is lower than that of metal compensator and the quality is better than that of imported products.