Hengshui embellish abundant gas equipment co., LTD

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Enterprise Nature: Joint stock enterprise
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zaoqiang County hengshui city Hebei Province China
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Product Details

Safety Distance between RX20000rf Gas Pressure Regulator and Highway

Price 500
Yield 50/年
Place of Production 河北衡水
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 5天

Product Detail Parameters

进口压力 0.4MPa 出口压力 1-100KPa
流量 50000m³/h

Product Description

Safe Distance between RX20000rf Gas Pressure Regulator and Highway
Safety Distance between Gas Pipeline and Highway
GB 50028-2006 (Urban Gas Design Code) (hereinafter referred to as "Fire Regulation") does not make specific requirements for pipelines laid on parallel highways, so pipeline laying parallel to highways should be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations and norms of highway departments.
Article 8.6.1 of JTG B01-2003 Highway Engineering Technology Standard stipulates that "telecommunication lines, power lines, cables, pipelines and so on shall not intrude into the limits of highway construction, impair highway traffic safety, and do not damage highway construction and facilities". This civilization definitely stipulates that gas pipelines should not be laid in the range of road surface, which is obviously different from the stipulation of "Fire Regulation" that allows gas pipelines to be laid under urban road surface.
Article 56 of the Highway Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that "if pipelines, cables and other facilities need to be laid in the control area of highway construction, they shall be approved by the transportation department of the local people's government at or above the county level in advance". Highway building control area is the area that controls and manages the construction of buildings and structures on both sides of highway to ensure the safety of travel and the smooth flow of highway. Its scope is 5-30m from the outer edge of highway land. (Article 11 of Highway Safety Protection Regulations clearly stipulates that the scope of highway building control area is the distance from the outer edge of highway land: rural road, County road, provincial road, National Road and national road. Expressways are not less than 5, 10, l5, 20 and 30m respectively. When the gas pipeline is parallel to the road laying, it should be located as far as possible outside the control area of the highway building. If it is necessary to lay in the highway construction control area, the corresponding safety assessment should be carried out to determine the distance between the gas pipeline and the highway, and report to the relevant traffic authorities for approval.
With the development of social economy and the enlargement of urban built-up areas, the original discriminant principle that "roads in urban built-up areas belong to urban roads and roads outside urban built-up areas belong to highways" is no longer applicable. Especially in the developed areas along the Southeast coast, it is common for rural, county and even provincial roads to pass through urban built-up areas. Therefore, the gas pipelines laid along the roads should be laid before planning and design. Firstly, determine the nature and grade of the road and lay it according to the applicable laws and regulations.
Gas pressure regulator belongs to customized products. It can be divided into different models and requirements. Please consult the sales staff before fixing.
Our company can provide gas pressure regulating scheme, gas pressure regulating cabinet, gas pressure regulating box, floor type pressure regulating cabinet, biogas pressure reducing valve, special pressure regulating cabinet for gas wall hanging furnace, filter, odorizer, kiln pressure regulating equipment, kiln gas pressure reducing valve, gas pressure regulating valve group, boiler gas pressure regulating box, small flow gas pressure regulating device, gas residential pressure regulating equipment, LNG pressure regulating pry, household combustion. Gas water heater pressure relief valve, household gas stove pressure relief valve

Product Performance
