Hengshui embellish abundant gas equipment co., LTD

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Enterprise Nature: Joint stock enterprise
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Zaoqiang County hengshui city Hebei Province China
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Product Details

RX60/0.4A Runfeng Customized Setup of Gas Pressure Regulating Equipment Company

Price 500
Yield 1000/年
Place of Production 河北衡水
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 5天

Product Detail Parameters

进口压力 0.4MPa 出口压力 1-100KPa
流量 50m³/h

Product Description

RX60/0.4A Runfeng Customized Equipment of Gas Pressure Regulating Equipment Company
Through the analysis of the maximum pressure drop of the natural gas processing system, when the pressure of the upstream natural gas pipeline network can meet the demand of gas turbine under various conditions, the natural gas pressure regulating station should be selected for the natural gas processing system.
Gas surge station is generally divided into several functions according to the different functions of each device.
Typical natural gas surge stations include emergency cut-off pry at entrance, crude separation pry, metering pry, filter pry, heating pry, pressure regulating pry, condensate collection device, release device and control system.
The voltage regulator is selected according to the user. There are three types of gas users, one is resident users, one is commercial users, and the other is industrial users. They have great differences in the choice of regulators. They can not share a regulator. The gas pressure of commercial users and industrial users is usually higher.
The process of gas surge tank is that after the city medium pressure gas pipeline enters the gas surge station (room), it is transferred to the user through the low pressure pipeline network after the pressure is adjusted to the user's need.
1. Advantages of gas surge tank:
It has large gas supply capacity and is convenient for centralized management and maintenance.
The distance of medium pressure gas pipeline is short and the operation risk is reduced.
2. Disadvantages of gas pressure regulator:
Pressure surge station location requirements are high, not only to meet the safety distance requirements with other buildings and structures, but also to be located in the center of gas load or close to large users. In today's urban land inch by inch, location selection is more difficult.
Medium and low pressure gas pipelines may be parallel for a long distance, and the diameter of low pressure pipeline network is large.
Not only takes up more underground resources, but also the pipeline is very difficult.
The construction cost of surge station (room) is higher.
The gas supply range is large, so the pressure of each gas point is unstable, and it is prone to overpressure or underpressure.
Pipeline network and pressure regulating facilities have a large impact on customers when they are repaired.
Our factory can provide gas pressure regulating scheme, gas pressure regulating cabinet, gas pressure regulating box, floor type pressure regulating cabinet, biogas pressure reducing valve, special pressure regulating cabinet for gas wall hanging furnace, filter, odorizer, kiln pressure regulating equipment, kiln gas pressure reducing valve, gas pressure regulating valve group, boiler gas pressure regulating box, small flow gas pressure regulating device, household pressure regulating equipment for gas district, LNG pressure regulating pry, household use. Gas water heater pressure relief valve, household gas stove pressure relief valve

Product Performance

我厂可提供燃气调压方案 , 燃气调压柜,燃气调压箱,落地式调压柜,沼气减压阀,燃气壁挂炉专用调压柜,过滤器,加臭机,窑炉调压设备,炉窑燃气减压阀,燃气调压阀组、锅炉用燃气调压箱,小流量燃气调压装置、燃气小区入户调压设备, LNG 调压撬 , 家用燃气热水器减压阀,家用燃气灶减压阀。