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Product Details

Fluid model

Price 面议
Unit CNY
Yield /年
Place of Production 青岛
Product Category 其它
Delivery Time

Product Detail Parameters

Product Description

Based on the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation team theory, high performance computer hardware configuration and years of experience, our company uniform for all kinds of common problems encountered in the design of fluid equipment flow velocity, reduce pressure drop, gas diffusion, temperature distribution and so on, can give quantitative analysis by numerical simulation is more precise, thus customers make detours and shorten the development cycle, cost savings for customers, and reduce the risk of actual engineering. In addition to the conventional single-phase fluid equipment simulation, the current main business features include gas-liquid and gas-solid two-phase simulation, convective heat transfer, fluid solid coupling and other complex associated with the actual engineering.
The main services include:
Equipment flow field simulation;
Flow field problem analysis and diagnosis;
Optimal design of flow field distribution
