Product Details

The hydraulic pressure test method of tracking

Price 1
Yield 1000/年
Place of Production 山东济南
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

测试 残余变形率

Product Description

The second method of hydrostatic testing machine
The device is suitable for all kinds of high pressure cylinder jacket method do pressure test, the computer of empty bottle weighing, water injection, exhaust, full bottle weighing, the hydraulic pressure test set operation test of gas cylinders. Through the test, can accurately measure the volume of gas cylinder residual deformation rate, in order to ensure the safe use of gas cylinders. Product based on B/T9521 G "gas cylinder hydraulic test method" design, manufacture. Applicable to the design, manufacture of nominal working pressure of 16 - P a 25M, nominal volume of 30 - 200L, to meet the compressed natural gas cylinders with different types, specifications of steel lined ring to wrap around the cylinder on a regular test.
The cylinder jacket method of hydrostatic testing machine is mainly used for the cylinder test obtained at the same time by residual volume bottle deformation rate, controlled by computer. Its working principle is: the bottle is placed in a special water jacket, the high pressure pump on the pressure of the automatic bottle, into the holding pressure set pressure, the subjects of bottle pressure test, at the same time, the cylinder pressure in the test volume expansion part of the water in the water jacket to squeeze in this part of the water cup, the volume is affected by test bottle deformation, through the water collecting system is transmitted to the IPC, the cylinder pressure relief after elastic deformation disappear, so the water in the cup back to the water jacket, the water is not returned by bottle volume of residual deformation, transmitted to the acquisition system the computer through the water volume, residual volume percentage of residual deformation capacity and total deformation of the cylinder deformation rate is.
Structure composition
The equipment is composed of four parts: hoisting equipment, weighing equipment, hydraulic cylinder test bed and test water jacket. The cylinder sent to the weighing area, hanging bottles weigh weight, data is transmitted to computer. The test parameters are set by the industrial control computer, the sensor detects the pressure of the system and the weight of the gas cylinder, and enters the industrial control computer through the data acquisition card. The operation of computer can control the whole test process, water jacket exhaust - Pipe - pressure - measuring water exhaust pressure leakage test - - pressure - pressure relief - data storage.
1, the second method can test hydraulic test for gas cylinder and cylinder volume measurement of the residual deformation rate. The second method using gas-liquid pressurized cylinder, wetted parts made of stainless steel; different types of water jacket, meet a variety of test specifications; software using the LabVIEW software, record the residual pressure of test, the corresponding deformation; the pressure test, the IPC collected test level, the highest level, the highest pressure and water level through the end. The host computer can calculate the cylinder deformation, residual deformation and residual deformation rate; IPC weighing sensor data acquisition, sensor can accurately show the residual deformation.
2, to realize the automatic control function: setting the parameters of industrial control machine, automatic start booster pump for pressurized cylinders, pressure to the nominal pressure leakage test, no leakage automatic booster pump booster, to test pressure automatic pressure, pressure maintaining complete automatic unloading and automatic calculation of deformation, deformation rate of residual display, automatic storage the result of the test, and any print test reports; print content including test items, test time, work pressure, cylinder type, serial number, test number and inspectors etc..
3. All the pressure, deformation data, deformation time curve, pressure time curve, and deformation pressure curve of the system are automatically saved. All the historical data in the experiment can be returned to the investigation.
4, the pressure test bed is equipped with the manual operation button, the computer control appears the fault, may the manual test. Equipment emergency shutdown, to manually release the test specimens and equipment internal pressure.
5, test device design maximum working pressure is 48Mpa, the actual test pressure control accuracy is not less than 10Psig, the equipment mainly tests the cylinder under the pressure of the residual deformation and deformation, is the necessary testing equipment testing equipment.
Main technical parameters
(1) test pressure: 0-48MPa
(2) test range: cylinder diameter: 219- Phi Phi 426mm cylinder length: 600-2000mm
(3) working gas pressure: 0.6-0.8MPa
(4): 1m3/min work gas flow
(5) external power supply voltage: 220V/50Hz
(6) control: industrial computer + data acquisition card (NI) + control software
Software program: Based on the LabVIEW program development environment independent

Product Performance

本装置适用于各种高压气瓶做外测法水压试验,采用工控机对气瓶进行空瓶称重、注水、排气、满瓶称重、水压试验等整套操作试验。通过试验,可精确测出气瓶的容积残余变形率,以保证气瓶的安全使用。产品依据G B/T9521《气瓶水压试验方法》设计、制造。适用于设计、制造公称工作压力为16-25M P a,公称容积为30-200L,满足压缩天然气钢瓶与不同类型、规格的钢质内衬环向缠绕气瓶定期检验。