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Product Details

GBW concentrated sulfuric acid special pipeline centrifugal

Price 10
Yield 100/年
Place of Production 浙江
Product Category 环境保护类(火炬、废气制酸设备、废气精馏冷却塔)
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

型号:GBW 性能:离心泵

Product Description

GBW concentrated sulfuric acid dedicated pipeline centrifugal pump product overview:
GBW concentrated sulfuric acid special pipeline centrifugal pump is Yongjia Jicheng pump based on ISW horizontal pipeline centrifugal pump is suitable for concentrated sulfuric acid treatment and improved products, using sulfuric acid special cast iron and carbon steel two materials and excellent hydraulic model of optimization design and manufacturing. GBW concentrated sulfuric acid dedicated pipeline centrifugal pump is an ideal new generation of chemical pump. Is the pump seal with exterior type high quality mechanical seal, dynamic and static ring made of new hard alloy or ceramic, abrasion resistance, no leakage, long service life. The concentrated sulfuric acid is widely used in the major chemical enterprises of transportation.
GBW - special pipeline sulfuric acid centrifugal pump type meaning:
- GBW special pipeline centrifugal pump characteristics of concentrated sulfuric acid:
1, stable operation: absolute concentricity of sulfuric acid pump shaft and impeller excellent static and dynamic balance to ensure smooth operation, no vibration.
2, so that the pump seal with exterior type high quality mechanical seal, dynamic and static ring using a new type of silicon carbide on silicon carbide, corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, no leakage, long service life.
3, noise is low: two low noise bearing support of the pump, running smoothly, in addition to the weak noise of the motor, basically no noise.
4, the failure rate is low: the structure is simple and reasonable, the key part of the international first-class quality matching, the whole machine working time is greatly improved.
5, maintenance convenience: replace the seal, bearing, simple and convenient.
6, covers an area of more province: exports can be left, right, up three directions, then the pipeline layout and installation, saving space.
GBW - special pipeline concentrated sulfuric acid pump structure:
GBW - special pipeline concentrated sulfuric acid pump selection basis:
GBW type of concentrated sulfuric acid centrifugal pump for a large number of steel used in 80 ~ 100% of sulfuric acid, temperature up to 60-80. Iron and steel in the concentration and temperature range of sulfuric acid, the surface can produce protective iron sulfate film. Iron is not applicable to more than 100% fuming sulfuric acid, may be due to the reaction of silicon containing three sulfur and iron, cast iron brittle. Carbon steel is not suitable for 100 to 102% of the smoke sulfuric acid, more than 102% of the acid is applicable, the temperature limit of about 60. Dilute sulfuric acid to steel corrosion is very big, when the acid concentration is about 47%, the corrosion rate to the highest value. When the acid concentration is greater than 65%, the corrosion rate of steel is significantly reduced. However, in 65 to 80% of this concentration, it is best not to use iron and steel, in order to use lead or other dilute acid material is more secure.
Sulfuric acid concentration: 80% ~ 98% special cast iron using temperature: 25 degrees to 50 degrees C
Sulfuric acid concentration: 80% ~ 98% special carbon steel using temperature: 25 C ~ 60