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Enterprise Nature: Personal company
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: BEICHEN DISTRICT Tianjin City China
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Product Details

The high temperature of 300 DEG C temperature

Price 0.00
Yield 2000/年
Place of Production 江苏苏州、深圳、天津
Product Category 能源工程类(煤制油设备、高温预热器、余热回收器、冷凝罐、稳压罐、空气压力罐等)
Delivery Time 15天

Product Detail Parameters

加热功率6KW~ 泵浦功率0.5HP

Product Description

The oil return temperature shows that the set value and the actual value are displayed respectively. The configuration of automatic suction oil, heating and cooling PID control, pump large flow high heating power, the maximum temperature of 350 degrees, the oil pump and the heating power can be customized according to customer requirements of production power size can be customized.
Isolation type electrical control box, prolong the service life of electrical appliances. BY-PASS oil pressure relief loop. The realization of automation management, speed up and down temperature, accurate and uniform temperature control, unique heating design, multi point temperature control unit can be customized, power saving and durable suitable for different temperature control places.
300 degrees high temperature oil temperature machine, high temperature oil temperature machine auto exhaust, instant cooling shutdown, power phase detection to prevent pump reversal, perfect safety protection

Product Performance
