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Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Hedong Linyi City Shandong Province China
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Product Details

Multifunctional grain grinding machine

Price 16000
Yield 1000/年
Place of Production 临沂大华机械厂
Product Category 制药类(反应器、混合槽、贮罐、缓冲罐等)
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

40 40

Product Description

Full automatic feed grinding machine 6FYZ-40 type grain grinding machine: every day people cannot do without flour and people need clean health and nutrition of wheat flour, you only need little investment can facilitate people can create profit for yourself. You can visit the company's tracking service, for you to sweep all the menace from the rear. I plant to provide project design, process design of professional and technical personnel for you, for your machine equipment purchase plan, according to your special requirements, design and manufacture of products, training of technical personnel for your operation.
Automatic feeding surface grinding machine 6FYZ-40 type grain grinding machine, the use of roller grinding, garden sieve powder, full wind automatic feeding, with high yield, good flour.
Full automatic feed grinding machine 6FYZ-40 type grain grinding machine is to meet the needs of the market, a new generation of milling machine milling machine based on absorbing the existing advantages of the latest development, can be used for processing of wheat, sorghum, can also be processed coffee and cocoa granular crops. Suitable for rural and urban individual households use, small and medium-sized food processing raw materials factory.
Automatic feeding surface grinder 6FYZ-40 grain grinding machine structure compact reasonable, beautiful appearance, small size, easy installation. The circular sieve powder, replacing the silk screen is equipped with roller distance and flow control indicating device, can make the mill to achieve the best working point, low power, low energy consumption, stable and reliable performance. Price discount

Product Performance

全自动上料磨面机6FYZ-40型粮食磨面机:老百姓每天都离不开面粉而老百姓有需要干净卫生 又有营养的小麦粉,您只需小小的投资就能方便百姓也能给自己创造不菲的利润。 可以实地参观考察, 公司是全程跟踪服务,为您扫去一切后顾之忧。我厂有专业技术人员为您提供项目设计、工艺流程设计,适合您的机器设备选购方案的制定,根据您的特殊需求,设计制造产品,为您培训技术操作人员。