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Product Details

Acrylic acid waste gas treatment equipment, light oxygen catalytic deodorization equipment workers

Price 10
Yield 200000/年
Place of Production 青岛
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 2天

Product Detail Parameters

风量 可选

Product Description

Acrylic acid waste gas treatment equipment, light oxygen catalytic deodorization equipment duration
SYD malodorous gas treatment equipment widely used in sewage sludge treatment of waste gas, waste gas treatment, garbage odor treatment, odor control, feed processing, raw poultry and seafood processing odor treatment plant odor treatment, medical waste treatment waste gas treatment, waste gas treatment plant biological fermentation...... Odor control project.
Technical characteristics:
Microwave resonance polymerization efficiency of more than 90% devices: microwave resonator by optical Institute of professional design, no interference and efficient use of microwave resonant UV, high energy utilization rate.
- mist control: control environment humidity appropriate, ensure high energy ultraviolet beam wavelength specific rapid decomposition of water molecules and the coupled Photocatalyst air in the reaction of a strong oxidation of ozone and active free radical - OH, a substantial increase in odor treatment effect.
- UV intensity control: through the detection of electronic nose system with intelligent control, according to the gas concentration change, automatic control equipment of ultraviolet lamp energy intensity and illumination, to achieve intelligent control power equipment, energy saving.
- reasonable wavelength selection: Based on the wavelength of ultraviolet light 173nm, 185nm and 254nm, according to the concentration of exhaust gas, components, reasonable selection of UV light wavelength and surface energy intensity, for better and better economic benefit.
• ozone control: UV lamp according to the concentration of waste gas to achieve rationalization, but also to minimize ozone generation, a small amount of ozone absorbed by water mist, odorless oxidation.
• remote intelligent control: through the "ambient wisdom cloud" system, set up standardized processes and open interfaces, all equipment operation, exhaust gas concentration data for data visualization analysis, management