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Product Details

Painting waste gas treatment equipment, activated carbon waste gas adsorption tower operation

Price 10
Yield 200000/年
Place of Production 青岛
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 2天

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货期 5天

Product Description

Painting waste gas treatment equipment, activated carbon waste gas adsorption tower operation
Activated carbon adsorption tower is what:
1, activated carbon adsorption tower is the treatment of organic waste gas and odor purification equipment has good results. Activated carbon adsorption of odor is effective removal of water, natural and synthetic dissolved organic matter, minor pollutants and other measures. Most of the large organic molecules, such as aromatic compounds, halogenated acetylene can be firmly adsorbed on the surface or space of activated carbon, and humus, synthetic organic matter and low molecular weight organic matter has obvious removal effect.
2, activated carbon adsorption tower, is an effective economic and practical purification of organic waste gas treatment equipment; is a waste gas filter adsorption environmental protection equipment products smell. Activated carbon adsorption tower adsorption efficiency is high, widely applicable, convenient maintenance, can handle all kinds of mixed gas purification equipment etc. at the same time, the high concentration organic waste gas and waste gas adsorption device using spray paint, activated carbon adsorption capacity and high strength, combined with the fan molecular function of adsorption of organic waste gas, benzene, alcohols, ketones, esters, organic solvent such as gasoline, gas has good adsorption.
Features: 3, activated carbon adsorption column activated carbon adsorption tower is widely used in furniture, wood, chemical paint, metal surface treatment, such as coating, paint spraying, drying, and other organic waste gas and odor, the use of high quality activated carbon as adsorbent, adsorption and filtration layer adsorption through the multilayer adsorption of organic waste gas, thereby to achieve the purpose of cleaning waste gas.
4, the performance characteristics of the activated carbon adsorption tower adsorption ability, high efficiency, compact structure, small footprint, easy maintenance, low operation cost, able to handle a variety of complex organic waste gas; the design of automatic control operation, convenient operation, safety, all closed type, both indoor and outdoor use