Hangzhou Xinanjiang Industrial Pump Co., Ltd.

Member Level: Register Member
Enterprise Nature: Private
Operation Mode: Fabricators
Location: Jiande Hangzhou City Zhejiang Province China
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Product Details

Environmental protection type water jet vacuum machine

Price 15000
Yield 10000台/年
Place of Production 杭州
Product Category 石油化工类(换热器、容器、塔器等)
Delivery Time 7天

Product Detail Parameters

抽气量 280m³

Product Description

Xin'An River series of water jet vacuum pump, air jet pump is the company's own patented products, the use of reinforced polypropylene plastic molding. Steam jet pump Venturi tube graphite. The pump can be used to extract the corrosive gas in the temperature of 150 DEG C, which is connected with the steam jet pump in series, and the vacuum degree is higher