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Product Details

Cheap Japanese hand hoist price

Price 100
Yield 10000/年
Place of Production 日本
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

9吨 东洋toyo手扳葫芦

Product Description

Cheap TOYO Dongyang hand hoist 5 tons Dongyang hoist price
I introduce the Japanese company TOYO Dongyang hand hoist, high quality and low price. TOYO Dongyang hand hoist lifting weight 0.75t-9t, height standard, TOYO hand hoist is widely used in shipyard hull assembly welding, joint tension power sector high voltage transmission lines, agriculture and forestry, transportation department hoisting vehicle, material strapping, vehicle dragging and factories and other sectors of the equipment installation, calibration, advanced structure, the use of safe and reliable, durable, high efficiency, simple operation and comfortable. Hand pull gourd, hand gourd, Japan TOYO hand gourd, Japan TOYO hand gourd hot selling all over the country, is a trusted brand.
Address: Hebei Baoding Qingyuan Donglv Industrial Park
Contact: Ms. Ma
Tel: 0312-5807689 13933892433
Consulting QQ:316297729