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Product Details

Paint room exhaust treatment, custom plastic waste gas purification

Price 66
Yield 10000000/年
Place of Production 青岛
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 3天

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规格 可定制

Product Description

Spray paint room exhaust gas treatment method, custom plastic waste gas purification tower
Activated carbon adsorption equipment is the use of porous solid adsorbent with activated carbon adsorption, in addition to Qu in industrial waste gas of organic pollutants and color taste good, at the end of treatment is widely used in industrial organic waste gas purification, good purifying effect. The gas pipeline into the absorption tower, in the two generation diffusion process between different diffusion end gas is discharged and suction fan
A. adsorption process:
The exhaust gas through an exhaust gas scrubber to remove tiny suspended particles and harmful gas, into the adsorption tower after tower adsorption of activated carbon, the removal of harmful ingredients (toluene xylene and other organic gases), gas purification to meet emission standards, the exhaust to the outside.
B. activated carbon product performance:
Activated carbon is a new type of high efficient adsorption material. The utility model has the advantages of high developed micropore structure, large adsorption capacity, fast desorption speed and good purification effect. The product has heat resistance, acid and alkali resistance etc..
Activated carbon was made from natural coconut trees by carbonization and activation. The main ingredient is carbon graphite, a microchip turbostratic stacking form, has a large specific surface area, pore size distribution (900-2500m2/g) rate (more than 90%), and uniform pore size (about 20A). Has a large adsorption capacity, adsorption speed, easy regeneration, low ash content, and has good conductivity, heat resistance, acid and alkali resistance, good formability.
Activated carbon adsorption equipment is the use of porous solid adsorbent with activated carbon adsorption, in addition to Qu in industrial waste gas of organic pollutants and color taste good, at the end of treatment is widely used in industrial organic waste gas purification, good purifying effect. The gas pipeline into the absorption tower, in the two generation diffusion process between different diffusion end gas is discharged and suction fan
The advantages of Sunyata activated carbon adsorption device Sunyata activated carbon adsorption tower:
High adsorption efficiency, adsorption capacity, wide application;
2 easy maintenance, no technical requirements;
3 specific surface area, good selective adsorption, can deal with a variety of mixed waste gas.
4 activated carbon has a wide range of sources, low price and so on
5 high adsorption efficiency, strong ability;
6 easy and safe operation;
Sunyata activated carbon adsorption tower working principle: dust containing gas from the air blower to provide power, positive or negative pressure into the tower body, the activated carbon on the solid surface are not balanced and unsaturated molecular attraction or chemical Jianli, so when the solid surface in contact with the gas, can attract the gas molecules, the gather and maintain on the solid surface, which is adsorbed pollutants, the exhaust gas through the filter after entering the equipment dust exhaust gas purification system, air discharge