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Product Details

Paint factory waste gas treatment using a large amount of air activated carbon

Price 66
Yield 1000000000/年
Place of Production 青岛
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 3天

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规格 可定制

Product Description

Activated carbon filter device for large amount of air quantity needed for waste gas treatment in painting plant
A good prospect for activated carbon adsorption in the next few years
Activated carbon adsorption device widely used in a lot of treatment of low concentration organic waste gas, benzene, alcohols and ketones can handle, alkanes, and mixed type organic waste gas purification treatment, first used in chemical industry, machinery, electronics, electrical appliances, paint, shoes, rubber, plastics, printing, various industrial production workshop harmful waste gas. Activated carbon adsorption tower system using solid adsorbent surface adsorption of organic waste gas molecule to attract the adsorbent surface high adhesion properties of activated carbon, benzene, alcohols, ketones, esters, organic solvents, such as gasoline, gas adsorption, exhaust gas management is more suitable for large flow and low concentration is used in electronic, chemical industry, light industry, rubber, paint, coating, printing, machinery, shipbuilding, automobile, petroleum and other industries.
When formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and other harmful molecules move to the surface of activated carbon, it was captured. These molecules then collide with the molecules of the contaminated gas into the hole until the pores are filled with these molecules. Therefore, the adsorption of toxic and harmful gases, the activated carbon is the most ideal, it is entirely dependent on the molecular motion, molecular weight and adsorption, no chemical reaction exists. Due to the large surface area of carbon particles, it can fully contact with the gas (impurities). When these gases (impurities) are adsorbed on the microporous, purification.
Sunyata activated carbon adsorption tower working principle: dust containing gas from the air blower to provide power, positive or negative pressure into the tower body, the activated carbon on the solid surface are not balanced and unsaturated molecular attraction or chemical Jianli, so when the solid surface in contact with the gas, can attract the gas molecules, the gather and maintain on the solid surface, which is adsorbed pollutants, the exhaust gas through the filter after entering the equipment dust exhaust gas purification system, air discharge.
Qingdao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Sunyata
What questions are welcome to inquire 13188966375
Product introduction:
Factory engaged in production will produce irritating pollutants and other harmful gases, and the nature of ecological environment will cause harm of air pollution, the emission of the paint line to collect a set of pollution control equipment production, will conform to exhaust emission standard of air pollutants and then discharged to the atmosphere to avoid harm, environment and personnel.
Activated carbon adsorption is an efficient purification tower, economical and practical organic waste and governance is a waste gas filtering device; adsorption odor environmental protection equipment products. The device is a high concentration organic waste gas purification and adsorption equipment lacquering, is the use of activated carbon adsorption capacity of the high strength, combined with the fan effect of organic waste gas adsorption, emissions of organic solvents has good adsorption effect. In the actual installation and application, summarizes the domestic and foreign similar products production experience, improvement of design and manufacture, launch material form is convenient, the surface smoothness of the structure better, higher strength, adsorption of activated carbon adsorption tower.. Activated carbon adsorption tower of the company production of various specifications of the design, and the adsorption time according to the treatment of gas pollution factors, and then adsorption area is determined according to the size of the amount of exhaust gas treatment, a project is a new design. To ensure the adsorption tower running in high efficiency