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Product Category

Product Details

6 kW electric heating steam generator

Price 4000
Yield 1000/年
Place of Production 郑州
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

型号 LDR6-0.4

Product Description

A 6 kW electric heating steam generator automatic inspection 6 kW electric heating steam generator provides professional quality steam for the school laboratory; the steam machine has the advantages of small volume, easy to move, the effective water volume of less than 30 liters, are exempt products, without a permit, no inspection; the use of automatic system, no special management, saving labor costs is the laboratory, essential products!!

Product Performance

河南冠中热能设备有限公司主要经营:蒸汽锅炉、热水锅炉、电加热蒸汽发生器(免检)、燃油气蒸汽发生器(免检)、生物质蒸汽发生器(免检)、电加热洗浴采暖炉、燃油气热水锅炉、生物质热水锅炉等热能设备系列优质快速的蒸汽,小水容积大蒸汽窖的独特设计,可以使您在极短的时间内获得蒸汽,内置汽水分离装置,确保高干度优质蒸汽   ;燃气锅炉节能器、软化水处理器(润新)均有销售,价格低、质量优;欢迎各界客户来电咨询:冠中热线 13592649186 电话/传真 0371-56577705 在线咨询QQ 2775692295 厂址 郑州市高新区电子电器产业园