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Product Details

9 KW electric heating steam generator

Price 1500
Yield 1000/年
Place of Production 郑州
Product Category 其他
Delivery Time 3天

Product Detail Parameters

型号 LDR9-0.4

Product Description

9 KW electric heating steam generator:
1, no pollution
Due to the use of electrical energy directly heating water, electricity directly into heat, without the use of combustion chemical energy into heat, thus no emission of harmful gases and dust will not produce ash, completely meets the requirements of environmental protection. This is of great significance to the public in the context of the increasingly stringent environmental requirements.  
2, high energy conversion efficiency
The electric heating boiler adopts electric heating water pot shell and tube inserted direct contact heating when the heat transfer coefficient is high, the energy conversion efficiency is very high, generally can be as high as 95%, running the boiler efficiency can reach above 98%.  
3, boiler start, stop speed, running load adjustment range, adjust speed, simple operation.
If the resistance of electric boiler because of electric heating tubes are controlled by external electric switch, so the boiler stop speed control switch, through the electric heating tube group, adjustable load operation in a wide range, rapid, simple operation and adjustment. Compared with coal, fuel oil and gas boiler, the operation is more convenient and simple.  
4, the boiler has the advantages of simple structure, good safety
The body structure of electric heating boiler is very simple, such as resistance of electric boiler, electric heating tube connected with triangles, three electric heating pipes are connected into a group, outside cover over, mounted on the flange, connected with the external electrical equipment, a heater shield heating tube group outside the water heating process is completed in the cylinder no need, no pipeline arrangement, the combustion chamber, no flue. There is no problem existed in oil and gas boiler explosion, leakage, in this sense, better safety of electric boiler.  
5, electric boiler, small volume and light weight, small occupied area
Because of the characteristics of electric energy, the volume of the electric heating boiler is very small and the weight is light. Such as atmospheric electric boiler, 0.7MW boiler, the weight of only 200kg, 1.4MW of the boiler, the body weight of 550Kg; small size, light weight, can be installed in the office floor.  
6, a high degree of automation, can achieve unattended.
Can be fully automated, computer monitoring and control. When the water level changes, the computer control of automatic water supply; when the pressure changes, the computer control and the outlet pressure of boiler safety protection device, to maximize the boiler industry application of computer technology to the traditional.

Product Performance
